Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/363

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COBHAM 343 his father as Baron Lyttelton, &fc., i8 Apr. 1876; Land Commr., 1881- 89. Though he sue. to the Viscountcy and Barony of Cobham, 26 Mar. 1889, he was not introduced, as such, till 8 Apr. 1897. Railway Commr., 1891-1905; Trustee of the Nat. Portrait Gallery since 1893; Dep. Chair- man of the Great Western Railway 1 890-9 1.(^) He m., 19 Oct. 1878, at Latimer Church, Mary Susan Caroline, 2nd da. of William George (Caven- dish), 2nd Baron Chesham, by Henrietta Frances, da. of the Rt. Hon. William Saunders Sebright Lascelles. She was />. 19 Mar. 1853, at Bur- lington House. [John Cavendish Lyttelton, ist s. and h. ap., l>. 23 Oct. 1881; ed. at Eton; sometime Lieut. Rifle Brigade; served in S. Africa I902;() was Assist, private Sec. to the Earl of Selborne in that Colony. M.P. (Lib. Unionist) for the Droitwich div. of Worcestershire since Jan. 19 10. He m., 30 June 1908, at St. Peter's, Eaton Sq., Violet, yr. da. of Charles Leonard, of 1 8 Kensington Palace Gardens, and of Gloria, Cape Colony.] COBHAM (of Kent)(') BARONY BY i. Henry de Cobham, s. and h. of John de C, of WRIT. Cobham and Cowling, Kent (d'. 1300, before 30 Mar.), , Constable of Rochester and one of the Barons of the I T -7 T '7 ■^ •^' Exchequer, by his ist wife, Joan, da. and coh. of Sir Robert de Septvans, had livery of his father's lands 10 May 1300, being then aged 40, in which year (as again 131 1-15) he was in the expedition to Scotland; Constable of Rochester, for life, 1303/4; as "Henry de Cobham junior " he was Constable of Dover Castle, and Warden of the Cinque Ports, 13 1 5-1 6. ('^) He was sum. to Pari, from 8 Jan. (13 12/3), 6 Edw. II to 22 Jan. {i]i3S/^) 9 Edw. Ill, by writs directed Henrico i^e Cobham^ whereby he is held to have become LORD COBHAM. (') He sided with Edward II against the rebellious Barons, and presided at Canterbury at the arraignment of Lord Badlesmere as a traitor in 1322. Governor of Tonbridge Castle, 1324. He w., before July 1285, when she was living, Maud, widow with distinction in S. Africa and elsewhere, and has been Governor of Chelsea Hospital since 191 2; Arthur Temple L. was Bishop of Southampton till his death, 19 Feb. 1903; Edward has been Head Master of Eton since 1905; and Alfred was Sec. for the Colonies 1903-05. V.G. (^) Both he and his youngest br. Alfred have been first class tennis players. V.G. C') For a list of peers and heirs ap. of peers who have served in this war, see Appendix B to this volume. {^) See articles by J. G. Waller on " the Lords of Cobham " in the Archaologia Cantiana, vol. xi, pp. 49-112, and vol. xii, pp. 113-166. () A Henry de Cobham was Warden from Oct. 1306 to 1307, but this was probably his uncle Henry of Rundale, see post, p. 351, note "b " ; but the identifica- tion of the holder of the office either in 1306 or 131 5 is not certain. V.G. (*) As to how far these early writs of summons did in fact create any peerage title, see Appendix A in the last volume. V.G.