Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/387

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COLERAINE 367 M.P. for Boston i730-34.(") He m. (lie. Bp. of London, 8 Jan. i-ji-j/S, being then 24, Bach.), Anne (dowry ;^ioo,ooo), da. and coh.C") of John H.^NGER, of Trinity Minories, merchant, of London,('^) by Mary Coles, his wife. He d. s.p.s. kgu.,(^) 10, and was l>ur. 24 Aug. 1749 at Tottenham, aged 56, when his Peerage became extinct.(^) His vvidow who was b. 1699, in Trinity Minories, d. 10 Jan. 1754, at her town house in Pall Mall, of gout in the stomach, and was bur. in the Hanger vault in St. Nicholas Chapel in Bray Church. Will pr. Jan. i754.(^ IV. 1762. I. Gabriel Hanger,(*) 3rd but ist surv. s. and h. of Sir George H., of Driffield Hall, co. Gloucester, Turkey merchant, of London, by Anne, da. and coh. of Sir John Beale, Bart., of Farningham, Kent, was b. 9, and bap. 17 Jan. 1697, at Driffield; ent. the Bengal establishment of the East India Co. as a Writer 17 14; Factor 171 8, Junior Merchant 1722, Senior Merchant 1724, but resigned on the death of his elder brothers, and returned to England 1725. He was M.P. (Whig) in two Paris, for Maidstone 1753-61, and for Bridgwater 1763-68. On the death of his cousin, Anne, Baroness Coleraine abovenamed, in 1754, (') He does not appear to have ever voted or sat in the House of Lords [I.], but in the English House of Commons he voted with the Tories and anti-Walpolean Whigs for the repeal of the Septennial Act. V.G. C") On 20 May 1739, by the death of Mary Hanger, "her fortune of ;^i3,ooo" went " to her two sisters. Lady Coleraine and Elizabeth Hanger." (■=) He was Governor of the Bank of England 1719-21. () He left his estates at Tottenham to Henrietta, his illegit. da. by Rosa Duplessis, but, as she was an alien born in Italy, they escheated to the Crown. V.G. if) He was a great collector of prints and drawings (during three tours he made in Italy) which he gave partly to Corpus Coll., Oxford, and partly to the Soc. of Anti- quaries, of which he was a fellow, and which possesses a portrait of him when young. "The Hon. Henry Hare, Esq., h. ap. to the Barony of Coleraine," died Oct. 1733. {Hist.R.g.) She separated from her husband within 3 years of her marriage, and did not return to him. At his death she inherited most of his property, which she left, together with Cannon End Place, her seat in Berks, to her cousin, Gabriel Hanger, the ist Lord of the next creation. She presented the parish of Bray with a fire engine, which is still in use. Her portrait by Dahl is (19 13) poii's the Vansittarts of Foot's Cray Place, Kent. V.G. (*) Information as to the (Hanger) Barons Coleraine has been kindly furnished by N. Vansittart, and by C. J. Bruce Angier. None of these Lords appear to have ever sat or voted in the House of Lords [I.]. The first Lord was presumably in Ireland when he signed the record of his arms, marriage, and issue in the Lords' Entries in the Office of Arms, 30 Mar. 1767, but Pari, was not then sitting. Their arms were, Ermine a griffin segreant per pale Or and Azure. Crest, a demi griffin segreant holding an escarbuncle Or. Supporters, Two griffins Azure beaked Argent, armed and langued Gules. Motto, y^rtes honorabili. {ex inform. G. D. Burtchaell). These arms and crest are the same as those of the family of Aungier, of which name Hanger is generally held to be a corruption, John Aungier, br. of the ist Lord Aungier of Longford, being said to have been ancestor of the Hangers. V.G.