Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/512

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492 CRAMOND IV. 1 701. 4. William (Richardson), Baron Cramond [S.], yst. but only surv. br. and h. He was b. 2, and bap. 5 Aug. 1654, at St. Margaret's, Westm. ; ed. at the Univ. of Cambridge, M.A. 1671. He m., istly, Elizabeth, da. (and . h.) of Robert Barkham, of Southacre, Norfolk. She d. s.p., 28 Sep. 17 12, in her 54th year, and was bm: at East Walton, Norfolk. M.I. He ;«., 2ndly, 9 Feb. 17 13/4, at Ringland, Norfolk, Elizabeth, da. and h. of James Daniel, of Norwich, goldsmith. He d. 7 Mar. 1719, in his 65th year, and was bur. at East Walton afsd. Will dat. 31 July 171 5, pr. 5 June 1719. His widow d. 8 Dec. 1722, in her 37th year, and was bur. at East Walton. Admon. 4 Dec. 1772. V. 1719 5. William (Richardson), Baron Cramond [S.], to only s. and h. by 2nd wife, b. Feb. iji^/^. He was ed. ^735- (^73^"3^) ^^ Corpus College, Cambridge. He d. unm., of consumption, 28 July 1735, ■" his 22nd year, and was bur. at East Walton afsd.(^) On his death his Peerage is supposed to have become exti»ce.(^) CRANBORNE VISCOUNTCY. I. "Robert Cecyll, Knt., Baron Cecil OF EssENDON, Chief Secretary to the King in England" was, on 20 Aug. I. 1604. 1604, cr. "VISCOUNT OF CRANBORNE."(') On 4 May 1605 he was cr. EARL OF SALISBURY; see under that title. (^) Elizabeth, his only sister and h., ;«., Aug. 1735, William Jermy, who d. a few months after her, 21 Jan. 1751/2, in his 37th year. They sold Southacre Hall. She ^. s.p., I Aug. 1 75 1, in London. () It has however several times been claimed, though not officially. Of the 5 sons of the Chief Justice, but one, Thomas, survived him and had issue. Of the 7 sons of this Thomas, Master of Cramond (by his ist wife), John, Richard and another John d. infants; Thomas became Lord Cramond; William, a Serjeant at Law, whose will dat. 8 Mar. 168 1/2 was pr. 24 July 1682 by Abigail, his widow, appears to have died s.p.s. Henry, the yst. s., appears to have d. unm., and was h^r. 6 Sep. 1663, aged 30, at Honin2:ham; but Charles, the 6th son, m. a Miss Wiseman, and had (beside daughters) a son Charles, who is, probably, the " Charles Richardson, Gent." to whom William, Lord Cramond, in his will, dat. 31 July 1715, leaves an annuity oi £20. There was also a posthumous son of the said Master of Cramond (by his 2nd wife), viz. Edward, hap. 23 Apr. 1642, at St. Martin's, Ludgate. Of the 3 sons of the 2nd Peer, the ist and 3rd sue. to the Barony, while the 2nd, Thomas, d. s.p., in London Oct. 1 696, and was bur. at Pishiobury, Herts. In the return of the Lords of the Session, I 740, of the subsisting Peerages [S.], it is observed that " it does not appear that any person ever sat [in Pari.] or voted as Lord Cramond, or that any one offered to vote at any election, since the Union, under that title; but as the descendants of the said Sir Thomas Richardson, if any there were, had, probably, their residence in England, their not having claimed hitherto can be no objection to their title, if they can verify their right to it." C^) See Creations, 1483-1646, in App., 47th Rep., D.K. Pub. Records.