Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/54

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34 CARLISLE Sir Philip H., the s. and h. ap. of Lord William Howard,(^) also of Naworth, is said to have been b. 1629, but probably earlier; sue. his elder br. William Howard shortly before Nov. 1646. Sheriff of Cumberland 1649-50; was " Capt. of the Lord Protector's Body Guard," and Col. of a regt. ot Horse; Member of the Council of State July to Dec. 1653; M.P. for Westmorland, 1653, for Cumberland 1654, 1656 and 1660. He is said to have received an hereditary Peerage C") from the Protector, by having been cr. 20 July 1657, BARON GILSLAND and VISCOUNT HOWARD OF MORPETH, anyhow he was sum., 10 Dec. 1657, to Cromwell's "House of Lords " where he is described as '■^ Lord Viscount Howard. Being, at the time of the Restoration, M.P. for Cumberland and, until Nov. 1660, Governor of Carlisle, he promoted the cause of the King. P.C. 2 June 1660 till 21 Apr. 1679; Custos Rot. of Essex July to Nov. 1660; Lord Lieut, of Cumberland and Westmorland Oct. 1660 till his death. On 30 Apr. 1 66 1 (no recognition being made of his Cromwellian honours) he was cr. BARON DACRE OF GILLESLAND, Cumberland, VISCOUNT HOWARD OF MORPETH, Northumberland, and EARL OF CAR- LISLE.('^) In 1663 he was sent on an Embassy to the Czar of Muscovy; in 1664 to the King of Sweden and Denmark, and in 1668 (to convey the Order of the Garter) to Carl XI of Sweden. C*) F.R.S. 14 June 1665. Lieut. Gen. of the Forces, 1667; Lord Lieut, of Durham, 1672 till his death; Col. of a regt. of Foot, 1673. Gov. in Chief of Jamaica, 1677-81. He m. Anne, da. of Edward (Howard), ist Baron Howard OF EscRiCK., by Mary, da. and coh. of John (Boteler), Baron Boteler OF Brantfield. We. d. 24 Feb. 1684/5, ^^ Hinderskelf, aged about 56, and was bur. at York Minster. M.I. Will dat. 16 Jan., pr. 18 May i685.(^) His widow was bur. 4 Sep. 1703, at York Minster. V. 1685. 2. Edward (Howard), Earl of Carlisle, £?'c., s. and h., aged 25 in 1671. M.P. (Whig) for Morpeth, 1666-79; for Cumberland, 1679-81, and for Carlisle, 1681. Joint Lord Lieut, of (^) This Lord William, better known as '■'■Belted Will" was Warden of the Western Marches, being yst. s. of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, and next br. (of the whole blood) to Thomas Howard, cr. Lord Howard de Walden and Earl of Suffolk. See tabular pedigree under "Norfolk," Dukedom of, cr. 1483. By his marriage with Elizabeth, da. of Thomas and sister and coh. of George (Dacre), respectively Lords Dacre (of Gillesland), he obtained the Castle of Naworth and other estates of the Dacre family. C') The only similar instance was that of the Barony of Burnell, but in that case the Peerage was conferred b'^ patent., 26 Apr. 1659, still (1912) existing. See vol. iv, Appendix G, for a list of Cromwell's " House of^ Lords," with some notice of each member thereof. (■=) For an account of the ceremonies attending this creation and others of the same date, see note mh Edward, Earl of Clarendon [1661]. ('^) For a list of these Garter missions, see vol. ii, Appendix B. i^) " This person is not very amiably characterised in the Phoenix Britannicus." See note by Banks to Cromwell's "Lords' in Dugdale's Ancient Usage of Arms, edited by T. C. Banks, 1812, p. 437.