Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/549

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CRESSY '52Q (1294) 22 Edw. I, and to attend the King at Salisbury,^ 26 Jan. (1296/7) 25 Edw. I, by writs directed Willelmo de Cressy. He m. Joan. Vt d. shortly before 28 Apr. i3ii.() 2. Hugh de Cressy, of Hodsock and RisegatCjC) s. and h. He d.s.p., shortly before 7 Dec. I3i7.('^) 3. William de Cressy, of Risegate and Braytoft, nephew and h., being s. and h. of Roger de Cressy of Braytoft (living 19 June I305),(=) br. of Hugh next above. He was b. 25 Dec. 1291. He did fealty and had livery of his uncle's lands, 29 Mar. 1318.0 He was sum. to at- tend a Council on 30 May 1324. He d. shortly before 15 Nov. i334,(^) aged 42. 4. Sir Hugh de Cressy, of Risegate, Claypole, and Braytoft, s. and h., b. 20 Sep. 13 13. He did fealty and had livery of Risegate, (*) As to the writs of 1294 and 1296/7, see Preface. V.G. (>>) Writ o^ diem d. ext. 28 Apr. 4 Edw. II {Fine Roll, m. 9). There is no Inq. p. m. extant. He held the manors of Hodsock in Blyth, i^ fees, and Melton-on-the- Hill, i fee, of the honour of Tickhill; Risegate in Surfleet of the King in chief as of the Crown, by petty serjeanty, i^/z., by the service of 40s. a year; also Claypole, ^ fee, Braytoft and Firsby, i fee, co. Lincoln, of other lords than the King. if) His father had granted these manors to him and the heirs of his body, rem., as to Risegate, to Robert [j/c] de Cressy and the heirs of his body, rem., as to Hodsock, to Edmund de Cressy for life, with remainders in each case to the grantor and his heirs [Feet of Fines, case 135, file 76, no. 45: Inq. a.q.d.,fis 72, no. 2, file 169, no. 10). {^) " Hugo de Cressy." Writ of diem cl. ext. 7 Dec. 1 1 Edw. II. Inq., co. Lincoln, Monday after the Epiphany [9 Jan.] 131 7/8. " Willelmus filius Rogeri de Cressy est nepos et propinquior heres prefati Hugonis de Cressy et fuit etatis viginti sex annorum die Natalis domini ultimo preterito." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. II, file 59, no. 12). (') Close Roll, 33 Edw. I, w. II. This Roger m. Christine, who was living in Oct. 1336 [Idem, 10 Edw. Ill, m. 10 d). (') Fine Roll, 1 1 Edw. II, m. 4. (8) " Willelmus filius Rogeri de Cressy." Writ of diem cl. ext. 15 Nov. 8 Edw. III. Inq., co. Lincoln, i Dec. 1334. "Hugo filius predicti Willelmi filii Rogeri de Cressy est heres ejusdem Willelmi propinquior et fuit xx° die Septembris ultimo elapso etatis viginti et unius annorum." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 39, no. 19). 67