Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/553

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CREW 533 Bracldey, 1626; for Banbury, 1628-29; for Northants, Apr. to May 1640; for Brackley, again, 1 640-48 ;(^) and for Northants, again, 1654-55, and i66o.() He appears to have taken a middle course during the civil troubles, being Chairman to Pari, on the Committee of Religion, 1640, but voting against the attainder of Strafford in 1641; subscribing £100 for the cause of the Pari., by whom he was appointed one of the Commissioners at Uxbridge, 1644-5, to treat with the King there, as also at Newcastle and Holdenby in 1646, and at Carisbrook in 1648, but disapproved of trying the King, and was consequently under arrest from 6 to 29 Dec. 1648; nom. one of Cromwell's "Other House," 1657, but never took his seat;(') and, lastly, when one of the Council of State, 23 Feb. 1659/60, favouring the Restoration, and being one of the deputation that met Charles II at the Hague. C^) He was, accordingly, on 20 Apr. 1661, cr. BARON CREW OF STENE, CO. Northampton. (') He m., about 1623, Jemima, da. and coh. of Edward Waldegr^we, of Lawford Hall, Essex, by his 2nd wife. Dame Sarah Bingham, da. of Clement Heigham, of Suffolk. She d. 14 Oct. 1675, aged 73.(0 He d. 12 Dec. 1679, aged 81. M.I. to both at Stene. Will dat. 19 Aug. 1678, pr. 15 Dec. 1679. II. 1679. 2. Thomas (Crew), Baron Crew of Stene, s. and h., M.P. for Northants, 1656-58; for Brackley, i659-79;(e) knighted 24 Dec. i66o,C') at Whitehall. He ;«., istly, May 1650, Mary, ist da. of Sir Roger Townshend, ist Bart., by Mary, da. and coh. of Horatio (Vere), ist Baron Vere of Tilbury. She d. 4, and was iur. 5 July 1668, at Stene. M.I. He ;«., 2ndly, 1674, Anne, widow of Sir Thomas Wodehouse, of Kimberley, yr. of the 2 daughters and coheirs of Sir William Armine or Airmyn, 2nd Bart., by Anne, da. and coh. of Sir (*) Being one of those then ejected at "Pride's Purge." V.G. () For these and many other such dates, G.E.C. was indebted to W. Duncombe Pink, and they have been revised for this edition by the Rev. A. B. Beaven, these gentlemen's lists of Members of Parliament being as nearly complete as is now possible from the earliest date. V.G. {"=) See a list of these "Lords," in vol. iv, Appendix G. {^) " He is frequently referred to in Pfpys, who seems to have entertained a very high respect for him. Clarendon describes him as a man of the greatest moderation." {Diet. Nat. Biog.). (') See an account of the creations cf this date, ante, p. 264, note "d," iub "Clarendon." According to Symonds D'Ewes, who was himself an unsuccessful suitor for the hand of "the gracious Mistress Jemima" in 1621, her married life was unhappy, and "there was no great contentment between them." (See "Courtship in the reign or James I," in Blackwood, Aug. 1850). Pepys refers to her (17 Jan. 1665) as "The same weake silly lady as ever, asking such saintly questions." V.G. (e) In the House of Lords he voted with the Whigs, supporting the Exclusion Bill. V.G. C") In Shaw's Knights the date is given as 26 Sep. 1660. V.G.