Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/632

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6l2 APPENDIX C Souter of Baildon." These facts set out in a chart are very striking, and show 5 different surnames borne in the same family. Extinct Christian lames survive as




Early French forms of names. Walter de Baildon. I I Henry Johnson, John Watson. I John Smith. Henry Watson. John Hanson. Words which are now rare or quite extinct as what the Americans call front names, are still in use as surnames, e.g. Drew {lat. Drogo), Ellis, Gladwin (Sempringham Ch. twelfth century); Godard fil. Alselmi {rectius Alselini) (Harl. Ch. 53 B. 23); Grote (Groto Kokerel sum. 30 Edw. I); Gunter (Harl. Chs. 45 C. 2-5), Haldane (Add. Ch. 20864); Hamond {lat. Hamo); Hawkins; Hervey or Harvey; Ilbert was a witness in 1 145 (Cott. Ch. xi, 6); Ingram, Jolland, Jordan, Lambert, Payn, Sayer, Talbot, Tiffany [lat. Theophania), the well-known American silversmith, and Wace. An opportunity is afforded of getting the French equivalents of names usually written at that time in Latin by the fact that a few of the summonses to Parliaments or Councils were written in French. Of these the earliest that has been preserved is dated 26 Sep. (1298) 26 Edw. L There the name Robert is written Roberd, Piers Peres, Walter Wauter, Alexander Alisaundre, and the latinized Bogo Bouges. The next is dated 7 May (1299) 27 Edw. I, and there the Christian name of de Knoville appears as Boges. The third is dated 15 Dec. (1334) 8 Edw. Ill, therein the names Anketin, Nicholas, Piers, Ralph, and Walter, appear as Aggatyn, Nicol, Peres, Rauf, and Wauter, but William is unchanged. The fourth is dated a few days later, 24 Dec, and the diminutives Randekyn, Thome- lyn, Janquin, Janekin, and Watquin, mentioned on page 615 in this paper, occur. Emery is the form of a name which is spelt in divers ways, and Robylard is the unusual Christian name of one of the Darcys. The fifth is dated 22 Jan. (1334/5) 8 Edw. Ill: here William is written Williem, and Alexander, Saundre. The sixth is dated i Feb. following, and the seventh and last 12 Nov. (1342) 16 Edw. Ill, but neither contains names of special interest which have not already been mentioned. The following Christian names occur in French among other witnesses in Latin, and may be compared with the succeeding list from Godstow: Aubri, ante 1166 (Harl. Ch. 86 C. 62). Berte uxor Ric, temp. Ric. I to John {id. 84 I. 22). Ernaud, c. 1176 {id. 84 H. 19). Raul, c. 1 1 50 {id. 50 B. 1 5). Renalt, Fromont, Ricart, Simon, Raol, early Hen. II {id. 51 D. 22). Robin, Geffrei, Henri, c. 1200-1250 {id. 48 C. 26). Roger, late twelfth century {id. 86 A. 3).