Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/657

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637 APPENDIX F SPECIAL REMAINDERS GRANTED TO COMMONERS 1643. John Byron, a zealous Royalist, cr. Baron Byron of Rochdale. 171 1. Robert Harley, the celebrated Minister, cr. Earl of Oxford. Extinct 1853. 1 7 1 2. Henry St. John (yet more distinguished), cr. Viscount Bolingbroke. 1 71 6. Sir Richard Onslow, Bart., sometime Speaker, cr. Baron Onslow. 1717. James Stanhope, a leading statesman, cr. Viscount Stanhope of Mahon. 1722, David Graham, styled Marquess of Graham, s. and h. ap. of James, Duke of Montrose [S.], cr. Earl Graham. [This, no doubt, was to give an hereditary seat in the House of Lords to those Dukes, which, according to the improper resolutions of 1 711 and 1719, not upset till 1782, could not have been effected by conferring a peerage [G.B.] on an actual Peer of Scotland.] 1723. Robert Walpole, s. and h. ap. of the great Minister (Sir Robert Walpole, K.G.), cr. Baron Walpole. 1756. Thomas Villiers, cr. Baron Hyde, with spec. rem. of the Barony failing his heirs male of the body by his then wife Charlotte (heiress of the Hyde family), to the said Charlotte and the heirs male of her body. 1766. John Campbell, styled Marquess of Lorn, s. and h. ap. of John, Duke of Argyll [S.], cr. Baron Sundridge. [This creation was doubtless for the same reason as that of the Marquessate of Graham. See ante, under date 1722.] 1784. Henry Frederick Thynne, s. of Thomas, Viscount Weymouth, by Louisa Carteret, heiress of the large estates of the Carteret family, cr. Baron Carteret. Extinct 1849. 1794. Welbore Ellis, who had held the appointment of Vice Treasurer in Ireland, cr. Baron Mendip. 1797. James Grenville, connected with the powerful houses of Wyndham, Temple, and Pitt, cr. Baron Glastonbury. Extinct 1825. [After a pause of some 34 years comes the exceptional case of] 1 83 1. George FitzClarence, eldest of the illegit. sons of the reigning Monarch, cr. Earl of Munster, the spec. rem. (failing heirs male ot the body) being in favour of the younger of such sons in like manner successively.