Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/66

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46 MARQUESSATE. II. EARLDOM. IV. MARQUESSATE. III. EARLDOM. V. extinct. CARNARVON 2. Henry (Brydges), Duke of ^ Chandos, Marquess of Carnar- 1744. VON, Earl of Carnarvon, iSc, only surv. s. and h. male. He d. 28 Nov. 1 77 1. 1771 to 1789. 3. James (Brydges), Duke of Chandos [17 19], Marquess of Carnarvon [1719], Earl of Car- narvon [1714], and Baron Chan- dos of SuDELEY Castle [1554], only s. and h. He d. s.p.m., 29 Sep. 1789, when all his honours became ^j j: J" fT 00 3 -, so D w O iS EARLDOM. I. Henry Herbert, s. and h. of Major Gen. the Hon. William Herbert (5th s. of Thomas, 8th Earl of VI. 1793. Pembroke), by Catherine Elizabeth, da. of ( — ) Tewes, of Aix la Chapelle. He was b. 20, and bap. 24 Aug. 1741, at Islington, as "Henry Broune"; sue. his father 31 Mar. 1757 in the estate of High Clere, Hants. Matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 9 IVIay 1 76o,(*) and subsequently at Cambridge (Magd. Coll.) ; cr. LL.D. Cambridge 3 July 1769. He was M.P. (Tory) for Wilton i768-8o.() On 17 Oct. 1780, he was cr. BARON PORCHESTER OF HIGH CLERE, co. Southampton. Thirteen years afterwards, he was, on 3 July 1793, cr. EARL OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF CARNARVON. Col. in the army during service 1794; Master of the Horse 1806-07; P-C 12 Feb. 1806. He m., 15 July 1771, at her father's house in Piccadilly, St. Geo., Han. Sq., Elizabeth Alicia Maria, ist da. of Charles (Wyndham), 1st Earl of Egremont, by Alicia Maria, da. of George (Carpenter), 2nd Baron Carpenter of Killaghy [I.]. He ^. 3 June 181 1, in Tenterden Str., aged 69. Will pr. 181 1. His widow, who was b. 29 Nov. 1752, in the parish of St. Margaret's, Westm., d. 10 Feb. 1826, at Petworth. WiU pr. Mar. 1826. VII. 181 1. 2. Henry George (Herbert), Earl of Carnarvon, <yc., s. and h., b. in Hill Str., 3, and bap. 22 June 1772, at St. Geo., Han. Sq.; was M.P. (Whig) for Cricklade (as Lord Por- chester) 1794-18 1 1 ;(■=) High Steward of Newbury; F.S.A. 9 June 18 14. (^) As " Comitis de Pembroke, viti functi, nepos nat. max," a somewhat mislead- ing description, inasmuch as that Earl was not represented by this his eldest '■'■nepos" [which here means "nephew"] but by his son, the lOth Earl. (^) While in the Commons he steadily supported Lord North, but after the Coalition appears to have drifted into the Whig camp. He opposed Pitt's Govt., and took office under Fox in 1806. V.G. if) On the introduction of the Reform Bill he went over to the Tories and strongly opposed that measure. In 1805 he had been one of the 24 managers of the impeachment of Lord Melville. V.G.