Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/73

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CARNWATH 53 Eliza, widow of John Hartpole Lecky, da. of Col. Eardley Wilmot, R.A. He d. 14 Dec. 1867, in his 71st year, at Bagn^res de Bigorre, Hautes Pyrenees, France. Will pr. in Dublin, 1868, under 1, 1 2,ooo,"by his widow. She d. after a long illness, 16 Oct. 1902, at 15 Cromwell Place, Midx., in her 93rd year, and was bur. at Harrow. Will pr. above ;£33,ooo gross and net. VIII. 1867. 8. Henry Arthur Hew (Dalzell), Earl OF Carn- WATH [S.], only s. and h. by 2nd wife, b. 12 Apr. 1858, at Heidelberg, d. unm. 13 IVIar. 1873, in his 15th year, of measles, while at school at Harrow on the Hill. IX. 1873. 9. Arthur Alexander (Dalzell), Earl of Carn- WATH [S.], uncle and h., b. 15 Sep. 1799; Lieut. Col. 48th Foot 1841-53; Major Gen. 1858; Lieut. Gen. 1865; General 1873; Col. of the 88th Foot 1863-64, and Col. 48th Foot 1864 till his death; was sometime in command of the Dubhn district, and, 1861-65, of ShornclifFe and the South Eastern district. Assist. Sec. for Scotland 1854-59. He d. unm., in his 77th year, at 28 Eaton Place, Midx., 28 Apr., and was bur. 4 May 1875, in the cemetery at Brompton. X. 1875. ^°- Harry Burrard (Dalzell), Earl OF Carnwath [S.], br. and h., b. 1 1 Nov. 1804; entered the Bengal ar- tillery, 1820; Col. therein 1835; ^^^^ Commissary of Ordnance at Agra, 1835-42. He m., 16 Nov. 1827, Isabella, da. of the Rev. Alexander Campbell. She d. 14 Oct. 1867, and was bur. at St. Peter's, Bournemouth. He d. s.p.m.s., i Nov. 1887, aged nearly 83, at 28 Eaton Place, Midx., and was bur. with his wife. XI. 1887. II. Robert Harris Carnwath (Dalzell), Earl OF Carnwath [S.], nephew and h. male, being s. and h. of Lieut. Col. the Hon. Robert Alexander George Dalzell, C.B. (next br. to the last Earl), by Sarah Bushby, ist da. of John Harris, of Eldon House, London, in the province of Canada. He was b. i July 1847; Major, 79th Highlanders, 1882; Rep. Peer [S.] (Conservative) 1892. He m., 19 Aug. 1873, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Emily Sulivan, da. of Henry Hippisley, of Lamborne Place, Berks, by his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Mary, da. of the Rt. Hon. Lawrence Sulivan. She, who was b. 27 Feb. 1853, at 39 Upper Grosvenor Str., d. 7 May 1889, of diphtheria, at Carnwath House, Fulham. He d. suddenly, from syncope, falling dead while walking in St. Anne's Str., Westm., on his way to the House of Lords, 8, and was bur. 12 Mar. 1910, at Fulham, aged 62. [Ronald Arthur Dalzell, j/y/t'd' Lord Dalzell, 2nd(^) but ist surv. s. and h., b. 3 June 1883, at G^ Grosvenor Str. He ;«., 23 July 1910, at (') His elder br., Robert Hippisley, b. 30 Sep. 1877, d. unm. and v.p., 2 Aug. 1904, at 17 Coram Str., Bloomsbury, aged 27. V.G.