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312 DEVON on giving up the castle. (*) The King then proceeded to the Isle of Wight, took possession of the island, and drove him, with his wife and children, into exile. (") He took refuge at the Court of the Count of Anjou, and soon afterwards conducted a successful raid into Normandy.(*) About Lent 1 138 he was taken prisoner in Normandy by Enguerrand de Say, a partisan of King Stephen. (^) He returned to England in the autumn of 1139, shortly before the arrival of the Empress Maud, and, landing at Wareham, seized the castle of Corfe.(*) This he defended successfully against the King, forcing him eventually to raise the siege. (') By the Empress he was created EARL OF DEVON, probably in 1141, and certainly before Midsummer in that year.C") He m. Adelise.('=) He d. 4 June 1155, and was bur. (as was his said wife) in Quarr Abbey,(^) which he had founded in 1132.C) II. 1155- 2. Richard (de Reviers), Earl OF Devon, Lord OF THE Isle of Wight, s. and h.(') Sheriff of Devon, regularium in ecclesiam christi de Twynham factam a venerabili patre H. Wynton' episcopo et Balduwino Comite Devon' et Ricardo filio ejus et Hilario decano et concede . . . terram ... ex dono Ricardi de Redveriis . . ." [Cartulary of Twynham, f. 1 4V; Inspeximus on Charter Roll, 7 Edw. II, m. 7). (iv) " Ego Balduinus Comes Exonic . . . concessi . . . deo et abbacie sancte Marie Montisburgi et monachis ibi deo servientibus omnes donaciones quas ipsis fecit Ricardus de Reveriis pater meus in Anglia liberas et quietas . . ." (R.O. Transcripts, ii, no. 140 B, vol. ii, p. 186). (v) " Ego Baldewinus de Reveriis Exoniensis Comes filio meo Ricardo concedente pro anima mea et uxoris mee Adelize et patris mei Ricardi et matris mee Adelize necnon et nobilissimi Henrici Regis qui terram patri meo dedit . . . ecclesiam de Tuivertona . . . monasterio sancti Jacobi Apostoli quod juxta civitatem [Exon'] contra austrum . . . situm est . . . dedi . . ." {Monasticon, vol. v, p. 107). if) Gesta Stephani, pp. 21-30, 53 : Ordericus, lib. xiii, cap. 36. (*>) A charter of the Empress, which passed just before Midsummer, is attested by " Comite B." (Round, Geoffrey de Mandeville, pp. 88-95). (') The pedigree of the Earls of Devon in the Cartulary of Twynham (f. 1 94V, now vol. ii, f. 3IV) makes the certainly erroneous statement that Earl Baldwin was father of Earl Richard, of William de Vernon, of Henry, and of Hawise de Reviers, "ex Lucia Comitissa uxore sua." (^) " Hie Comes Baldwinus primus tres filios, videlicet Ricardum Henricum et Willelmum habuit, ac tandem anno domini mclv secundo nonas Junii mortuus apud Quareram, ubi uxor sua Adelicia et dictus filius suus Henricus in juventute defunctus quiescunt, sepulturam accepit." [Chron. of Ford). " 4 Jun. Obiit Baldewinus Comes." {Obituary of Lyre, in Recueil des Hist., vol. xxiii, pp. 470-475). (*) "Ego Ricardus Comes Exonie Comitis Baldwini filius concedo et confirmo elemosinam quam pater meus concedente Henrico venerabili Anglorum Rege dedit deo et sancte Virgini et domino Gaufrido abbati de Savinneio in Insula de Wict terram scilicet ad edificandum cenobium manerium scilicet Aretone." [Monasticon, vol. v, p. 316). The date of the foundation of the Abbey of Quarr, propria filia of the Abbey of Savigny, was " M°c°xxxn°. v°. kal. Maii," according to an ancient in- ventory of the mother abbey. [Mem. Soc. Ant. Norm., vol. xx, p. 270). (*) (i) " Ego Ricardus de Redveriis filius Baldewini Comitis Exonie . . . concedo perpetuo jure in elemosina habenda abbacie sancte Marie Montisburgi quam pater meus