Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/558

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540 DUNKELD BARON OF DUNKELD [S.J-C) He m. ( — ), da. of Sir Robert NoRTER [? Norton]. He d. at Westm., Nov., and was bur. 2 Dec. i66o,() in St. Margaret's there. Admon. 14 Dec. 1660, to his son, Thomas. II. 1660. 2. Thomas (Galloway), Lord and Baron of Dun- K.ELD [S.], s. and h., served heir 3 May 1662, and had a charter of the Barony of Carnbie, co. Fife, 13 Jan. 1 670/1. He w., 29 July 1662, Margaret, da. of Sir Thomas Thomson, ist Bart. [S.], of Dudding- stone, by Margaret, da. of John Scrimgeour, Constable of Dundee. He d. before 3 Aug. 1684. His widow, who was bap. at Duddingstone 25 May 1643, was living 31 Dec. 1725. III. 1680. 3. James (Galloway), Lord AND Baron OF DuNKELD to [S.], 1st s. and h.,('=) bap. 2 July 1664. He was an 1690. officer in the army, and served under Viscount Dundee at the battle of Killiecrankie, 27 July 1689, for which he was outlawed, and his peerage, by a decreet of forfaulture in the Pari. [S.], was forfeited 14 July 1690. He retired to the Court of James II, at St. Germain-en-Laye, and became a Colonel in the French Army. He m. Eleanor Sale. He was slain in battle, at Cassano, in Apulia, 16 Aug. ^7°5> ^gsd 41. His widow was living 28 Apr. 171 8. IV. [1705 4. James Galloway, who, but for the forfeiture, to would have been Lord and Baron of Dunkeld [S.], 1780.] and who assumed that title, only s. and h., b. 12 Nov. 1704, at St. Germain-en-Laye. He became a Lieut. Gen. in the French service; Mar^chal de Camp 10 May 1748. He ;«., istly, Marie Marguerite Angelique le Rat, and 2ndly, the widow of a Monsieur d'Ancelin. He d. s.p.s.^ 18 Feb. 1780, and was bur. at Vincennes, aged 75, when the Barony became extinct. DUNKELLIN i.e. " DuNKELLiN," Barony [I.] (De Burg/2), cr. 1543, with the Earldom of Clanricarde [I.], which see. (») The " letters patent are registered in the Register of the Great Seal, but the description of the dignity on record is almost entirely illegible. The only portion of the destination which can now be deciphered is as follows — FacimuSy constiiuimus et creavimus prenominatum Dominum facobum Galloway ac here. . . , procreatos seu procreandos, Dominos et Barones de Dunkeld ac Dominoi Parliamenti, ^c. The signature for the patent is not recorded, and it is not known if the original Letters Patent be in existence." {Hewlett). C") "The Honble. James, Lord Galloway.'" («) His four yr. brothers, William, Thomas, John, and Andrew, all d. s.p. V.G.