Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/79

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DARCY 63 Tuesday 16 Apr. 1399 22 Ric. II, pr. 3 May 1399. (') His widow's dower was ordered to be assigned, 13 June I399.C') She d. 11 Aug. i4i2.('=) Wills dat. at Lincoln, the vigil of St. Thomas the Apostle 13 Hen. IV [20 Dec. 141 1], and at Knaith, Sunday after St. Peter advincuia 13 Hen. IV [7 Aug. 1412], pr. at Sleaford, 16 Aug. I4i2.('*) IV. 1399. 5. John (Darcy), Lord Darcy, s. and h., aged 22 and more, or 23 and more, at his father's death. The King took his fealty, and he had livery of his inheritance, 12 June 1399, his homage being respited. (^) He was sum. to Pari, from 19 Aug.(i399) ^3 Ric. II to 21 Sep. (141 1) 12 Hen. IV, by writs directed Johanni Darcy.(^) He was one of the Lords who sealed the exemplifications of the Acts settling the succession to the Crown, 7 June and 22 Dec. i4o6.(') He m. Margaret, da. of Sir Henry Grey, of Wilton-on-the-Wye [Lord Grey], by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Gilbert Talbot, of Eccleswall, co. Hereford [Lord Georgii — co. Lincoln] ultimo preterite Et dicunt quod Johannes Darcy filius ejus est heres ejus propinquior et est etatis vigintiduorum annorum et amplius." Inq., Calais, 24 May 1399. "... obiit die Jovis proximo ante festum sanctorum Philippi et Jacobi proximo preteritum." Heir, as before, aged 23 and more. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Ric. II, file 102, no. 17: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 71, no. 4). (*) Tork Reg., Scrope, f. 134 v: Lincoln Reg. (no probate), vol. xiii, f. 12. " Philippus Darcy chivaler . . . corpus meum ad sepeliendum in prioratu de Gysburgh' juxta sepulcrum patris mei." The will, in both Registers, is dated " die Martis xvj* die mensis Aprilis anno domini Millesimo CCC"" nonagesimo nono et anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Anglie vicesimo secundo." But 16 Apr. 1399 was a Wednesday. () Writs de dote assignanda, England and Calais, 13 June. {Close Roll, 22 Ric. II. p. 2, m. 4). Assignments, cos. Lincoln, Northumberland, 30 June and Wednesday before St. Peter ad vinculo [30 July] 1399. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Ric. II, file 102, no. 17). On 28 June 1399 a writ de non intromittendo liberated to her the manor of Knaith, with its members in Upton, Kexby, Gate Burton, and Gainsborough, with the ad- vowsons of churches, knights' fees, ^c, of which Philip Darcy chr. deceased had been enfeoflFed jointly with Elizabeth his wife surviving, to them and the heirs of Philip. {Close Roll, 23 Ric. II, m. 5). {^) "Elizabetha que fuit uxor Philippi nuper domini de Darcy." Writs of diem cl. ext. 1 9 Aug. 1 3 Hen. IV. Inq., cos. Northumberland, Lincoln, Derby, 6 Sep., Saturday after the Exaltation of the Cross [17 Sep.], and Monday 19 Sep. 141 2. "Et dicunt quod predicta Elizabetha obiit die Jovis proximo post festum [in crastino — co. Northumberland] sancti Laurencii Martiris ultimo preterit;? Et quod predictus Philippus Darcy filius predicti Johannis Darcy est consanguineus et heres propinquior predicte Elizabethe videlicet filius Johannis filii ejusdem Elizabethe et etatis quindecim annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. IV, file 87, no. 36: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 98, no. 9, and Enrolments, no. 445). C^) Lincoln Reg., vol. xv, fF. 63-64. "Elizabetha [domina in the earlier will] Darcy . . . corpusque meum ad sepeliendum in ecclesia monialium de Heynynges juxta corpus venerabilis domini mei Philippi nuper domini Darci." (•) Fine Roll, 22 Ric. II, m. 12: Pari. Rolls, vol. iii, pp. 576, 582, 583. (*) In the chancery rolls he is styled Lord of Darcy, Lord of Menylle, Lord of Darcy and of Menylle, or merely John Darcy chr.