Page:The Complete Poetical Works of John Milton.djvu/129

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��PSALM VI (August 13, 1653)

LORD, in thy anger do not reprehend me, Nor in thy hot displeasure me correct; Pity me, Lord, for I am much deject, And very weak and faint; heal and amend

me: For all my bones, that even with anguish

ache, Are troubled; yea, my soul is troubled

sore; And thou, O Lord, how long? Turn,

Lord; restore My soul; oh, save me, for thy goodness'

sake !

For in death no remembrance is of thee; Who in the grave can celebrate thy praise ? 10

Wearied I am with sighing out my days ; Nightly my couch I make a kind of sea; My bed I water with my tears; mine eye Through grief consumes, is waxen old

and dark I' the midst of all mine enemies that


Depart, all ye that work iniquity, Depart from me ; for the voice of my weep- ing The Lord hath heard; the Lord hath

heard my prayer;

My supplication with acceptance fair

The Lord will own, and have me in his

keeping. 20

Mine enemies shall all be blank, and dashed

With much confusion; then, grown red

with shame, They shall return in haste the way they

came, And in a moment shall be quite abashed.

��PSALM VII (August 14, 1653)

Upon the words of Chnsh the Benjamite against him.

LORD, my God, to thee I fly; Save me, and secure me under Thy protection while I cry; Lest, as a lion (and no wonder),

��He haste to tear my soul asunder, Tearing and no rescue nigh.

Lord, my God, if I have thought

Or done this; if wickedness

Be in my hands; if I have wrought

111 to him that meant me peace; 10

Or to him have rendered less,

And not freed my foe for naught:

Let the enemy pursue my soul, And overtake it; let him tread My life down to the earth, and roll In the dust my glory dead, In the dust, and there outspread Lodge it with dishonour foul.

Rise, Jehovah, in thine ire;

Rouse thyself amidst the rage 20

Of my foes that urge like fire;

And wake for me, their fury assuage;

Judgment here thou didst engage

And command, which I desire.

So the assemblies of each nation Will surround thee, seeking right: Thence to thy glorious habitation Return on high, and in their sight. Jehovah judgeth most upright 2q

All people from the world's foundation.

Judge me, Lord; be judge in this According to my righteousness, And the innocence which is Upon me : cause at length to cease Of evil men the wickedness, And their power that do amiss.

But the just establish fast,

Since thou art the just God that tries

Hearts and reins. On God is cast

My defence, and in him lies; 40

In him who, both just and wise,

Saves the upright of heart at last.

God is a just judge and severe, And God is every day offended; If the unjust will not forbear, His sword he whets; his bow hath bend- ed

Already, and for him intended The tools of death that waits him near.

��(His arrows purposely made he For them that persecute.) Behold


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