Page:The Complete Poetical Works of John Milton.djvu/278

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��With all his verdure spoiled, and trees


Down the great River to the opening Gulf, And there take root, an island salt and

bare, The haunt of seals, and ores, and sea-mews'


To teach thee that God attributes to place No sanctity, if none be thither brought By men who there frequent or therein


And now what f urder shall ensue behold." He looked, and saw the Ark hull on the

flood, 8 4 o

Which now abated; for the clouds were


Driven by a keen North-wind, that, blow- ing dry,

Wrinkled the face of Deluge, as decayed; And the clear sun on his wide watery glass Gazed hot, and of the fresh wave largely

drew, As after thirst; which made their flowing

shrink From standing lake to tripping ebb, that

stole With soft foot towards the deep, who now

had stopt His sluices, as the heaven his windows

shut. The Ark no more now floats, but seems on

ground, 850

Fast on the top of some high mountain


And now the tops of hills as rocks appear; With clamour thence the rapid currents

drive Towards the retreating sea their furious


Forthwith from out the ark a Raven flies, And, after him, the surer messenger, A Dove, sent forth once and again to spy Green tree or ground whereon his foot may


The second time returning, in his bill An olive-leaf he brings, pacific sign. 860 Anon dry ground appears, and from his

ark The ancient sire descends, with all his


Then, with uplifted hands and eyes devout, Grateful to Heaven, over his head beholds A dewy cloud, and in the cloud a Bow Conspicuous with three listed colours gay,

��Betokening peace from God, and covenant


Whereat the heart of Adam, erst so sad, Greatly rejoiced; and thus his joy broke


" O thou, who future things canst repre- sent 870 As present, Heavenly Instructor, I revive At this last sight, assured that Man shall


With all the creatures, and their seed pre- serve.

Far less I now lament for one whole world Of wicked sons destroyed than I rejoice For one man found so perfet and so just That God voutsafes to raise another world From him, and all his anger to forget. But say what mean those coloured streaks in Heaven: 879

Distended as the brow of God appeased ? Or serve they as a flowery verge to bind The fluid skirts of that same watery cloud, Lest it again dissolve and shower the

Earth ? " To whom the Archangel: " Dextrously

thou aim'st.

So willingly doth God remit his ire: Though late repenting him of Man de- praved, Grieved at his heart, when, looking down,

he saw The whole Earth filled with violence, and

all flesh

Corrupting each their way; yet, those re- moved,

Such grace shall one just man find in his sight 890

That he relents, not to blot out mankind, And makes a covenant never to destroy The Earth again by flood, nor let the sea Surpass his bounds, nor rain to drown the

world With man therein or beast; but, when he


Over the Earth a cloud, will therein set His triple-coloured bow, whereon to look And call to mind his Covenant. Day and

night, Seed - time and harvest, heat and hoary


Shall hold their course, till fire purge all things new, 900

Both Heaven and Earth, whorein the just shall dwell."

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