Page:The Complete Poetical Works of John Milton.djvu/340

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��Down, Reason, then; at least, vain rea- sonings down; Though Reason here aver That moral verdit quits her of uueleaii: Unchaste was subsequent; her stain, not


But see ! here comes thy reverend sire, With careful step, locks white as down, Old Mauoa: advise Forthwith how thou ought'st to receive


Sams. Ay me ! another inward grief,

awaked 330

With mention of that name, renews the

assault. Man. Brethren and men of Dan (for

such ye seem

Though in this uncouth place), if old re- spect, As I suppose, towards your once gloried


My son, now captive, hither hath informed Your younger feet, while mine, cast back

with age,

Came lagging after, say if he be here. Char. As signal now in low dejected

state As erst in highest, behold him where he


Man. O miserable change ! Is this the man, 340

That invincible Samson, far renowned, The dread of Israel's foes, who with a


Equivalent to Angels' walked their streets, None offering fight; who, single combatant, Duelled their armies ranked in proud array, Himself an Army now unequal match To save himself against a coward armed At one spear's length ? O ever-failing

trust In mortal strength ! and, oh, what not in


Deceivable and vain? Nay, what thing

good 350

Prayed for, but often proves our woe, our

bane ?

I prayed for children, and thought barren- ness

In wedlock a reproach; I gained a son, And such a son as all men hailed me happy: Who would be now a father in my stead ? Oh, wherefore did God grant me my re- quest, And as a blessing with such pomp adorned ?

��Why are his gifts desirable, to tempt Our earnest prayers, then, given with

solemn hand

As graces, draw a scorpion's tail behind ? 360 For this did the Angel twice descend ? for


Ordained thy nurture holy, as of a plant Select and sacred ? glorious for a while, The miracle of men; then in an hour Ensnared, assaulted, overcome, led bound, Thy foes' derision, captive, poor and blind, Into a dungeon thrust, to work with slaves ! Alas ! jilt-thinks whom God hath chosen

once To worthiest deeds, if he through frailty

err, 369

He should not so o'erwhelm, and as a thrall

Subject him to so foul indignities,

Be it but for honour's sake of former deeds.

Sams. Appoint not heavenly disposition,


Nothing of all these evils hath befallen me But justly; I myself have brought them

on; Sole author I, sole cause. If aught seem


As vile hath been my folly, who have pro- faned

The mystery of God, given me under pledge Of vow, and have betrayed it to a woman, A Canaauite, my faithless enemy. 380

This well I knew, nor was at all surprised, But warned by oft experience. Did not


Of Timna first betray me, and reveal The secret wrested from me in her highth Of nuptial love professed, carrying it


To them who had corrupted her, my spies And rivals ? In this other was there found More faith, who, also in her prime of love, Spousal embraces, vitiated with gold, Though offered only, by the scent con- ceived 390 Her spurious first-born, Treason against

me? Thrice she assayed, with flattering prayers

and sighs,

And amorous reproaches, to win from me My capital secret, in what part my strength Lay stored, in what part summed, that she

might know;

Thrice I deluded her, and turned to sport Her importunity, each time perceiving How openly and with what impudence

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