Page:The Complete Poetical Works of John Milton.djvu/356

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��My countrymen, whom here I knew re- maining,

As at some distance from the place of horror, 1550

So in the sad event too much concerned. Man. The accident was loud, and here

before thee With rueful cry; yet what it was we hear

not. No preface needs; thou seest we long to


Mess. It would burst forth; but I re- cover breath, And sense distract, to know well what I

utter. Man. Tell us the sum; the circumstance

defer. Mess. Gaza yet stands; but all her sons

are fallen,

All in a moment overwhelmed and fallen. Man. Sad ! but thou kuow'st to Israel- ites not saddest 1560 The desolation of a hostile city.

Mess. Feed on that first; there may in

grief be surfeit. Man. Relate by whom. Mess. By Samson.

Man. That still lessens

The sorrow, and converts it nigh to joy. Mess. Ah ! Manoa, I refrain too sud- denly

To utter what will come at last too soon, Lest evil tidings, with too rude irruption Hitting thy aged ear, should pierce too

deep. Man. Suspense in news is torture; speak

them out.

Mess. Then take the worst in brief:

Samson is dead. 1570

Man. The worst indeed ! O, all my

hope 's defeated To free him hence ! but Death, who sets all


Hath paid his ransom now and full dis- charge.

What windy joy this day had I conceived, Hopeful of his delivery, which now proves Abortive as the first-born bloom of spring Nipt with the lagging rear of winter's

frost I

Yet, ere I give the reins to grief, say first How died he; death to life is crown or


All by him fell, thou say'st; by whom fell he ? 1580

��What glorious hand gave Samson his

death's wound ?

Mess. Unwounded of his enemies he fell. Man. Wearied with slaughter, then, or

how ? explain. Mess. By his own hands. Man. Self-violence ! What cause

Brought him so soon at variance with him- self

Among his foes ?

Mess. Inevitable cause

At once both to destroy and be destroyed.

The edifice, where all were met to see him,

Upon their heads and on his own he pulled. Man. O lastly over-strong against thy- self ! J5 9 o

A dreadful way thou took'st to thy re- venge.

More than enough we know; but, while things yet

Are in confusion, give us, if thou canst,

Eye-witness of what first or last was done,

Relation more particular and distinct. Mess. Occasions drew me early to this city;

And, as the gates I entered with sun-rise,

The morning trumpets festival proclaimed

Through each high street. Little I had dispatched,

When all abroad was rumoured that this day 1600

Samson should be brought forth, to shew the people

Proof of his mighty strength in feats and games.

I sorrowed at his captive state, but minded

Not to be absent at that spectacle.

The building was a spacious theatre,

Half round on two main pillars vaulted high,

With seats where all the Lords, and each

��Of sort, might sit in order to behold; The other side was open, where the throng On banks and scaffolds under sky might stand: 1610

I among these aloof obscurely stood. The feast and noon grew high, and sacrifice Had filled their hearts with mirth, high

cheer, and wine,

When to their sports they turned. Imme- diately

Was Samson as a public servant brought, In their state livery clad: before him pipes

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