Page:The Complete Poetical Works of John Milton.djvu/455

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��A book was writ of late called Tetrachordon, 74. A little onward lend thy guiding hand, 293. A young, and meek, and simple lover, 65. Adhuc madentes rore squalebant genae, 354. Altera Torquatum cepit Leonora poetam, 345.

'AfiaBei yrypo<0cu X et P L f^"Se irev elxova., 410.

Among the holy mountains high, 84.

Angelus unicuique suus (sic credite, gentes),


Answer me when I call, 86. As on a rough hillside, at dusk of evening, 64. Avenge, O Lord, thy slaughtered Saints whose

bones, 77.

Be not thou silent now at length, 81.

Because you have thrown off your Prelate

Lord, 75.

Before the starry threshold of Jove's court, 40. Bellipotens Virgo, Septem regina Trionum,


Blest is the man who hath not walked astray, 85. Blest pair of Sirens, pledges of Heaven's joy, 30.

Captain, or colonel, or knight in arms, 74. Cede, Meles : cedat depressa Mincius urna, 321. Credula quid, liquidam Sirena, Neapoli, jactas,

345. Cromwell, our chief of men, who through a

cloud, 76. Cum sirnul in regem nuper satrapasque Britan-

nos, 343. Curre per immensum subito, mea littera, pon-

tum, 329. Cyriack, this three years' day these eyes, though

clear, 78. Cyriack, whose grandsire on the royal bench, 78.

Daughter to that good Earl, once President, 74. Dicite, sacrorum praesides nemprum deae, 358. Diodati (e te '1 diro con maraviglia), 64. Diodati (I tell it thee with wonder), 65. Donna leggiadra, il cui bel noine onora, 63.

Erewhile of music, and ethereal mirth, 15. Ergimi all' Etra o Clio, 321.

Fairfax, whose name in arms through Europe

rings, 76. Fly, envious Time, till thou run out thy race, 30.

Galli ex concubitu gravidam te, Pontia, Mori, 410.

��Gaudete, scombri, et quicquid est piscium salo, I 340.

��Giovane, piano, e semplicetto amante, 65. God in the great assembly stands, 81. Graecia Masonidern, jactet sibi Roma Maronem, 321.

Haee quoque, Manse, tuae meditantur carmina

laudi, 364. Hail, Native Language, that by sinews weak,

14. Harry, whose tuneful and well-measured song,


Hence, loathed Melancholy, 26. Hence, vain deluding Joys, 28. Here lies old Hobsoii. Death hath broke his

girt, 17.

Here lieth one who did most truly prove, 17. Heu ! quam perpetuis erroribus acta fatiscit, 355. Himerides Nymphae (uam vos et Daphnin et

Hylan, 368.

How lovely are thy dwellings fair ! 82. How soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth,


I did but prompt the age to quit their clogs, 75. I, who erewhile the happy Garden sung, 252. lapetionidem laudavit caeca vetustas, 344. In se perpetuo Tempus revolubile gyro, 333. In sooth, your beauteous eyes, my Lady, 65.

I<rpOT)A ore ircuSes or' ayAaa <j>v\' 'IcucwjSov, 410.

Jam pius extrema veniens lacobus ab arcto,


Jehovah, to my words give ear, 86. Juveni patriS, virtutibus, eximio, 322.

Lady gay and gracious, whose fair name hon- ors, 63.

Lady ! that in the prime of earliest youth, 74. Lawrence, of virtuous father virtuous son, 77. Let us with a gladsome mind, 11. Look, Nymphs and Shepherds, look ! 38. Lord God, that dost me save and keep, 84. Lord, how many are my foes ! 85. Lord, in thy anger do not reprehend me, 87. Lord, my God, to thee I fly, 87.

Methought I saw my late espoused saint, 78. Mitto tibi sanam non pleno ventre salutem, 337. Mffistus erara, et tacitus, nullo comitante sede- bam, 327.

Nonduni blanda tuas leges, Amathusia noram,

��410. Getnelli cultu simplici g-audens liber, 375.

��Now the bright morning-star, Day's harbinger,

I 30.


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