Page:The Complete Poetical Works of John Milton.djvu/457

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��(The titles of major works and of general divisions are set in SMALL CAPITALS.)

��AD Carolum Diodatum, 323.

Ad Carolum Diodatum, ruri comruorantem, 337.

Ad Christinam, Suecorum Reginam, Nomine

Cromwelli, 410. Ad Joannem Miltonem Anglum, triplici Poe-

seos Laurea coronandum, Graeca nimiruni,

Latina. atque Hetrosca, Epigramma Joannis

Salsilli Romani, 321. Ad Joannern Miltonum, 321. Ad Joamiem Ronsium, 375. Ad Leonoram Roma; Canentem, 344. Ad Patrein, 35f<. Ad Pyrrham. Ode V, 79. Ad Salsillum, Poetam Romanum /Egrotantem,

362. Ad Thornam Junium, Praeceptorem suum, apud

Mercatores Anglicos Hamburgas agentes Pas-

toris munere fungentem, 329. Adventura Veris, In, 333. Al signor Gio. Miltoni, nobile inglese, 321. Andrewes, Dr., Bishop of Winchester, On the

death of, 3'_'7.

Apologus de Rustico et Hero, 410. Arcades, 3S. At a Solemn Mnsic, 30. At a Vacation Exercise in the College, 13.

Blindness, On his, 77.

Canzone (" Ridonsi donne e giovani amorosi " " The ladies and young lovers laugh at me "), 64.

Christinam, Snecorum Reginam, Nomine Crom- welli, Ad, 410.

Christ's Nativity, On the Morning of, 7.

Circumcision, Upon the, 31 .

Coming of Spring. On the, 333.

Comus, 40.

Cromwell, Lord General, on the Proposals of Certain Ministers at the Committee for the Propagation of the Gospel, To the, 76.

Damonis, Epitaphium, 367.


De Idea Platonica quemadmodum Aristoteles

intellexit, 357. De Moro, 410. Death of a Fair Infant dying of a Cough, On

the, 12. Death of Dr. Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester,

On the, 327.

Death of the Bishop of Ely, On the, 354. Death of the University Beadle, On the, 326. Death of the Viee-Chancellor, a Physician, On

the, 346.

��Diodatum, Carolum, Ad, 323. Diodatum, Carolum, ruri commorantem, Ad, 337.


Elegia Prima : Ad Carolum Diodatum, 323.

Elegia Secunda : In Obitum Prseconis Acade- mici Cantabrigiensis, 326.

Elegia Tertia : In Obitum Prassulis Wintoni- ensis, 327.

Elegia Quarta : Ad Thomam Junium, Praecep- torem suum, apud Mercatores Anglicos Hani- burgae agentes Pastoris munere f ugentem, 329.

Elegia Quinta : In Adventum Veris, 333.

Elegia Sexta: Ad Carolum Diodatum, ruri commorantem, 337.

Elegia Septima (Nondum blanda tuas leges, Amathusia noram), 340.

Eliensis, Praesulis, In Obitum, 354.

Epitaph on the Marchioness of Winchester, An, 18.

Epitaphium Damonis, 367.

Fairfax, Lord General, at the siege of Colches- ter, On the, 76.

Father, To My, 358.

Fifth Ode of Horace, The, 79.

Fifth of November, Anniversary of the Gun- powder Plot, On the, 347.

Horace, The Fifth Ode of, 79.

Idea PlatonicS quemadmodum Aristoteles in- tellexit, De, 357.

II Penseroso, 28.

In Adventum Veris, 333.

In Effigiei ejus Sculptorem, 410.

In Inventorem Bombardaa, 344.

In Obitum Praeconis Academic! Cantabrigien- sis, 326.

In Obitum Prassnlis Eliensis, 354.

In Obitum Prassulis Wintoniensis, 327.

In Obitnm Procancellarii Medici, 346.

In Proditionem Bombardicam, 343.

In Quintum Novembris, 347.

In Salmasii Hundredam, 410.

In Salmasium, 410.

Junium, Thomam, Praeceptorem suum, apud Mercatores Anglicos Hamburgse agentes Pas- toris munere fugentem. Ad, .'ii'!'.

Joannes Baptista Mansus, Marchio Villensis Neapolitanus, ad Joannem Miltouium An- glum, 321.

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