Page:The Complete Works of Henry George Volume 3.djvu/117

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been "Holy Alliances" of kings. Let us strive for the Holy Alliance of the people.

Liberty, equality, fraternity ! Write them on the ban- ners. Let them be for sign and countersign. Without equality, liberty cannot be; without fraternity, neither equality nor liberty can be achieved.

Liberty the full freedom of each bounded only by the equal freedom of every other !

Equality the equal right of each to the use and enjoy- ment of all natural opportunities, to all the essentials of happy, healthful, human life !

Fraternity that sympathy which links together those who struggle in a noble cause; that would live and let live ; that would help as well as be helped ; that, in seeking the good of all, finds the highest good of each !

" By this sign shall ye conquer ! n

" We hold these truths to be self-evident that aM men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ! v

It is over a century since these words rang out. It is time to give them their full, true meaning. Let the standard be lifted that all may see it ; let the advance be sounded that all may hear it. Let those who would fall back, fall back. Let those who would oppose, oppose. Everywhere are those who will rally. The stars in their courses fight against Sisera !


NEW YORK, February 28, 1881.

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