Page:The Complete Works of Lyof N. Tolstoi - 08 (Crowell, 1899).djvu/369

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peculiar prerogative of man and ally him to the gods. They will not have temples, or statues, or theaters, or museums. They say these things are not necessary for them. The easiest way not to be ashamed of one's own baseness is to scorn nobility; and this they do. They are atheists. They do not recognize the gods, or their interference in the affairs of men. They acknowledge only the father of their teacher, whom they also call their father, and their teacher himself, who, according to their notions, has revealed to them all the mysteries of life. Their doctrine is a wretched deception.

"Notice one thing—our doctrine asserts that the world depends on the gods; the gods afford protection to men. In order that men may live well, they must reverence the gods, must search and think, and then our lives are regulated on the one hand by the will of the gods, on the other by the collective wisdom of all mankind. We live, think, search, and consequently approve the truth.

"But they have neither the gods nor their wills, nor the wisdom of humanity, but only one thing,—a blind faith in their crucified teacher, and in all he said to them.

"Now consider well: which is the more hopeful guide,—the will of the gods and the collective, free activity of human wisdom, or the compulsory blind belief in the words of one man?"

Julius was struck by what the stranger said to him, and especially by his last words. Not only was his purpose of going to the Christians shaken, but it now seemed to him strange enough that he, under the influence of his misfortunes, could ever have come to such a foolish decision. But the question still remained, What was he to do now, and how was he to escape from the difficult circumstances in which he was placed, and so, after he had related his situation, he asked the stranger's advice.

"That is the very thing that I wanted to speak about," continued the stranger. "What are you to