Page:The Condensed Vocal Parts to the Carols for Christmas-tide.djvu/43

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"Good King Wenceſlas."

\version "2.14.2"
\header {
  tagline = ""
\score {  <<
    \new ChoirStaff {
      \time 4/4
      \key a \major
        \new voice="soprano" {
          \voiceOne \slurUp
          \relative c'' {
            a4 a a b a a e2 fis4 e fis gis a2 a
            a4 a a b a a e2 fis4 e fis gis a2 a \bar "||"
            e'4 d cis b cis b a2 fis4 e fis gis a2 a 
            e4 e fis gis a a b2 e4 d cis b a2( \stemDown d) \stemUp a1 \bar "||"
        \new voice=alto {
          \voiceTwo \stemUp
          \relative c' {
            e4 e e e e fis b,2 d4 \stemDown e \stemUp d e e2 e
            e4 e e e e fis b,2 d4 \stemDown e \stemUp d e e2 e
            e4 e e e e e cis2 d4 \stemDown e \stemUp d e e2 e
            \stemDown e4 e \stemUp d e e e e2 e4 e a gis \stemDown a2( fis ) \stemUp e1
        \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
          \set associatedVoice = #"soprano"
          \set stanza = #"1. "
          Good4 King Wenceſlas2. look'd4 out,2 On4 the Feaſt of Stephen;1
          When4 the ſnow lay round about,2.  Deep,4 and criſp, and e2 -- ven:2
          Brightly2 ſhone4 the moon that night,2  Though4 the froſt was cru2 -- el,2
          When4 a poor man came in ſight,2 Gath'ring win4 -- ter fu1 -- el.

    \new ChoirStaff {
      \clef "bass"
      \time 4/4
      \key a \major
        \new voice="tenor" {
          \voiceThree \slurUp \stemDown
          \relative c' {
            cis4 cis cis d cis d gis,2 a4 a a d cis2 cis
          \relative c' {
            cis4 cis cis d cis d gis,2 a4 a a d cis2 cis
          \relative c' {
            cis4 b \stemUp a \stemDown gis a gis \stemUp fis2 \stemDown a4 a a d cis2 cis
          \relative c' {
            a4 a a b a cis gis2 cis4 b e d cis2( d) cis1  
        \new voice="bass" {
          \voiceFour \slurDown
          \relative c' {
            a4 a a gis a d, e2 d4 cis d b a2 a
          \relative c' {
            a4 a a gis a d, e2 d4 cis d b a2 a \bar "||"
          \relative c' {
            a4 gis a e a, e' fis2 d4 cis d b a2 a
          \relative c {
            cis4 cis d d cis a e'2 a,4 gis a e' a,1 a1 \bar "||"
\layout { indent = 2.0\cm }
\midi { }

1.Good King Wenceſlas look'd out,
On the Feaſt of Stephen;
When the ſnow lay round about,
Deep, and criſp, and even:
Brightly ſhone the moon that night,
Though the froſt was cruel,
When a poor man came in ſight,
Gath'ring winter fuel.