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CAST OF CHARACTERS.—[Social War of 1900.]

Dr. Victor Juno, the Hero, a bold, scientific, fearless Reformer.
Miss Lucinda Armington, the Heroine, a woman who can stand alone.
Gen. Washington Armington, a genuine Christian and millionaire.
Pat O'Conner, a shrewd, humorous Irishman.
Deacon Rob Stew, most villainous, cunning hypocrite.
Rev. Joe Pier, a (comically) cowardly pharisee.
Dr. Toy Pancy, a vile, old-fogy doctor.
Physician-in-Chief of Insane Asylum, a hypocrite.
Mr. Grumbler, a fearless Conspirator.
Gen. Orthod, Commander of Conspirators' Army.
Captain Savage, a Conspirator.
Col. Stuckup, a Conspirator.
Hon. Bluster Gibbons, Conspirators' Prosecuting Attorney.
George, Servants of Insane Asylum.
Night Watchman,
Nancy Clover, a dare-devil and cunning viper.
Judy McCrea, an honest Irish girl.

Servants, Witnesses, Soldiers, &c.

COSTUMES—Period, 1900.

Costumes modern, until the war begins, when the Army of the Naturalists are to be dressed in Gray, and the Army of the Conspirators in Blue, in imitation of U. S. Army.