Page:The Constitution of the Land of Brandenburg.pdf/11

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(4) Legislation shall be exercised through referenda and the Landtag. Executive power shall lie in the hands of the Land government, administrative bodies and self-governing bodies. The dispensation of justice shall be entrusted to independent judges.

(5) The provisions of the Basic Law shall take precedence over those of the Land Constitution. The legislature shall be bound by Federal Law and the Land Constitution, the executive and judiciary by law and justice.

Article 3 (State citizens)

(1) All Germans as defined by paragraph 1 of Article 116 of the Basic Law with permanent residence in the Land of Brandenburg shall be citizens pursuant to this Constitution. All persons with permanent residence in the Land of Brandenburg shall be residents pursuant to this Constitution, independent of nationality.

(2) Germans as defined by the Basic Law shall have equal rights and duties in Brandenburg, insofar as a legal reservation for the citizens of Brandenburg does not exist

(3) Nationals of other countries and stateless persons with residence in the Land of Brandenburg shall be granted equality of status with Germans as defined by the Basic Law, insofar as this Constitution or laws do not stipulate otherwise.

Article 4 (Land colours and coat of arms)

The Land colours are red and white. The Land coat of arms is the red eagle of the Mark Brandenburg on a white background.