Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/172

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In the preparation of the foregoing Catalogue, several works by other Authors were met with which have considerable interest from their connection with the works of Napier. It seemed desirable to preserve a record of them, and they are accordingly given below, with such particulars as were noted at the time.

Napiers| Narration:|Or,|An Epitome|Of|His Booke On The|Revelation.|Wherein are divers Misteries disclosed,|touching the foure Beasts, seven Vials, seven Trumpets,|seven Thunders, and seven Angels, as also a discovery of|Antichrist: together with very probable conjectures|touching the the time of his destruction, and|the end of the World.|A Subject very seasonable for these last Times.|

Revel. 22. 12. And behold I come shortly, and my reward is with me, to give to every man

London,|Printed by R. O. and G. D. for Giles Calvert, 1641.|

'4°. Sizeinches. A11, Title.A12, blank.A22–C32, 20 pages, “Napier’s Narration Or An Epitome of his Booke on the Revelation.” C4, 2 pages, blank.

Signatures. A, B, and C in fours = 12 leaves.

Paging. 2 + 20 + 2 = 24 pages, not numbered.

Errors in Signatures. C2 numbered in error C3.

This tract is written in the form of a dialogue, wherein Rollock is made the scholar and Napier the master: see Memoirs, p. 175.

Libraries. Brit. Mus. Lon.; Bodl. Oxf.;
