Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/181

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DN. Johannis Neperi|Baronis Merchistonij &c.| Scoti.|Trigonometriam Loga-|rithmicam|Usibus discentium accomoda-|tam.|Cum Gratia Et Privilegio.|

Typisq. exscriptam|Coloniæ sumtibus Martini Guthij,|Anno CIƆ IƆ XVIII.|

[Note. Colonia = Köln a.d. Spree = Berlin.]

8°. Size 4 7/8 x 3 inches. A11, Title.A12–A32, 5 pages, Dedication to “Illustri et generoso domino, Dn. Abrahamo lib. Baroni et Burggravio de Dohna……” signed “in Valle nostra Ioachimica XVI, Kal. Jun. anni seculi hujus XVII. T. Illustr. Generos. humilimè addictus Cliens Benjamin Ursinus.”A41–C72, 40 pages, “Trigonometriæ Logarithmicæ J. Neperi, &c.C8, 2 pages, blank. Aa11, The title, “Tabula Propor-|tionalis|Sequenti|Canoni|Logarithmo-|rum Inser-|viens.|” Aa12–Aa51, 8 pages, The Table. Aas52–Aa72, 5 pages, “Usus precedentis tabulæ.”|Aa8, 2 pages, blank.Bb11, The title, “J. Neperi|Baronis Mer-|chistoniz, Sco-|ti, &c.|Mirificus|Canon Logarith-|morum.”Bb12–Gg61, 90 pages, The Canon to two places less than that of 1614.Gg62–Hh22, 9 pages, “Lectori Benevolo,” [errata.] The work should have ended on Hh12, but through an error in printing, the two pages, Hh12 and Hh21, have been left blank.

Signatures. A to C and Aa to Gg in eights + Hh in two = 82 leaves.

Paging. 48 + 16 + 91 + 9 = 164 pages not numbered.

Napier’s Canon of 1614 is here reprinted, but is shortened two places.

Libraries. Brit. Mus. Lon.; Stadt. Breslau;

Another Edition.

Colonize, Martinus Guthius, 1619.

Libraries. Bodl. Oxf.; Un. Camb.; Nat. Paris;

The First Edition

is stated to have been published in 1617, which is no doubt correct, as the Dedication is dated 17th May 1617.

Beni. Ursini|Mathematici Electora-|lis Brandenburgici| Trigonometria|cum magno|Logarithmor.|Canone|Cum Privilegio|
