Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/184

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further, radius being made 100,000,000. The entire Canon was recomputed by Ursinus, and full details of its construction are given in Book II., sect. 2, of the Trigonometria. The methods employed are the same as those laid down in the Constructio with the modifications in regard to the preliminary tables proposed by Napier in sect. 60. A specimen page of the Table is given on the preceding page, and reference may also be made to my notes, pp. 94, 95.

Libraries. Un. Ed.; Bodl. Oxf.; Brit. Mus. Lon.; Stadt. Breslau; Nat. Paris;

Johann Carl Schulze|wirklichen Mitgliedes der Königl. Preussischen Academie der|Wissenschaften| Neue Und Erweiterte| Sammlung | Logarithmischer, | Trigonometrischer | und anderer | Zum Gebrauch Der Mathematik | Unentbehrlicher | Tafeln. || II. Band. ||

Berlin, 1778. | Bey August Mylius, Buchhändler | In Der Brüderstrasse. |

Size 8 3/8 x 5 inches.

In this work the logarithms of the Magnus Canon of Ursinus are reprinted to every 10 seconds in the case of the first four and last four degrees, being the same as in the original. The logarithms from 4° to 86° are given for every minute only. Ursinus’ logarithms occupy half the lower portion of pp. 2–261 in Volume II., the title of the whole contents of these pages being:—

“Tafel | der | Sinus, Tangenten, | Secanten| und | deren sustimmenden briggischen und hyperboli-|schen Logarithmen | für die vier ersten und vier letzten Grade von 10 zu|10 Secunden;| für den übrigen Theil des Quadranten aber von Minute zu | Minute, nebet dem 6ten Theile der Differenzen | berechnet. |”

Joannis Kepleri|Imp. Cas. Ferdinandi II. | Mathematici | Chilias | Logarithmorum | Ad Totidem Numeros | Rotundos, | Przmissâ | Demonstratione Legitima | Ortus Logarithmorum eorumq. usus | Quibus | Nova Traditur Arithmetica, Seu | Compendium, quo post numerorum notitiam|nullum nec admirabilius,
