Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/63

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to the proportion of a hundred to one; and the triple of the same, namely 69077527.02, will be the difference of all logarithms whose sines are in the ratio of a thousand to one; and so of the ratio ten thousand to one, and of the others as below.
53.Whence all sines in a ratio Sea of the ratios two to one and ten to one, have the difference of their logarithms formed from the differences 6931469.22 and 23025842.34 in the way shown in the following

Short Table.

Given Proportions
of Sines.
Differences of

Two to one. 6931469.22
Four to one. 13862938.44
Eight to one. 20794407.66
Ten to one. 23025842.34
20 to one. 29957311.56
40 to one. 36888780.78
80 to one. 43820250.00
A hundred to one. 46051684.68
200 to one. 52983153.90
400 to one. 59914623.12
800 to one. 66846092.34
A thousand to one. 69077527.02
2000 to one. 76008996.24
4000 to one. 82940465.46

Given Proportions
of Sines.
Differences of

8000 to one. 89871934.68
10000 to one. 92103369.36
20000 to one. 99034838.58
40000 to one. 105966307.80
80000 to one. 112897777.02
100000 to one. 115129211.70
200000 to one. 122060680.92
400000 to one. 128992150.14
800000 to one. 135923619.36
1000000 to one. 138155054.04
2000000 to one. 145086523.26
4000000 to one. 152017992.48
8000000 to one. 158949461.70
10000000 to one. 161180896.38

54.To find the logarithms of all sines which are outside the limits of the Radical table.
This is easily done by multiplying the given sine by 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 40, 80, 100, 200, or any other proportional number you please, contained in the short table, until you obtain a number within the limits of the Radical table. By 50
