Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/67

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logarithm is required. The complement of the half arc is 55 degrees 20 minutes, and its logarithm 1954370 is given, Wherefore add 6931469 to 665143, making 7596612, subtract 1954370, and there remains 5642242, the required logarithm of an arc of 34 degrees 40 minutes.

58.When the logarithms of all arcs not less than 45 degrees are given, the logarithms of all less arcs are very easily obtained.

From the logarithms of all arcs not less than 45 degrees, given by hypothesis, you can obtain (by 57) the logarithms of all the remaining arcs decreasing down to 22 degrees 30 minutes. From these, again, may be had in like manner the logarithms of arcs down to 11 degrees 15 minutes. And from these the logarithms of arcs down to 5 degrees 38 minutes. And so on, successively, down to 1 minute.

59.To form a logarithmic table.

Prepare forty-five pages, somewhat long in shape, so that besides margins at the top and bottom, they may hold sixty lines of figures. Divide each page into twenty equal spaces by horizontal lines, so that each space may hold three lines of figures. Then divide each page into seven columns by vertical lines, double lines being ruled between the second and third columns and between the fifth and sixth, but a single line only between the others.

Next write on the first page, at the top to the left, over the first three columns, “0 degrees”; and at the bottom to the right, under the last
