Page:The Coronado expedition, 1540-1542.djvu/444

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[eth. ann. 14
Turquois brought from north by Sonora indians 357
—, collection of, by Estevan 474
—, of pueblo Indians 489, 518, 549, 561, 573
—, presents of, made to devil 513
Turtle in Menomini myth 91, 189, 218
—, mystic power of the 148
Tusayan, ceremonials at 544
—, cultivation of cotton at 550
—, description of 519, 524
—, description of, by Jaramillo 586
—, description of, by Zuñi Indian 488
—, known to Sonora Indians 357
—, visit of Tovar to lvii, 390, 562, 593
—, Tucano identified with 390
—, see Hopi, Moki.
Tuskarora land cession 26
Tuskarora-English dictionary, work
Tutahaco pueblos 519, 525
—, Coronado visit to 492
—, description of, by Jaramillo 587
—, worship of cross at 544
Tutahaio, Tigua name for Acoma 492
Tuthea-nây, Tiguii nante for Acoma
Tuxeque, Indian A-illagft on great plains 577
Tuzan, see Tusayan.
Twine-making by the Menomini 260
Ubeda, F. Luis de, see Luis.
Ulloa, Francisco de, explores gulf of California 369
—, limit of explorations of 404
Umbwayqeezhig, Ojibwa treaty signer 28
Upatrico, settlement of 615
Uraba, Indian village mentioned by Jaramillo 587
—, see Braba, Taos, Yuraba.
Urine, use of, as mordant 522
Urrea, Lope de, companion of Coronado 477
—, Indians interviewed by 499
Ute linguistic affinity 525
—, stone knives 282, 283
Utensils of the Menomini 256
Vacapa, identification of 355
Vacapan, province crossed by Coronado. 487
Valladolid, Spanish name for Braba 511, 525
Valle de los Vellacos, see Valley of Knaves.
Vallecillo, settlement of 515
Valley of Knaves, rebellious indians in 502
Vargas, Luis Ramirez de, companion of Coronado 477
Vaudreuil, Marquis de, Canada surrendered by 16, 17
Vegetation of great plains 527
—, of pueblo country 586
Vera Cruz, port of New Spain 348
Vermejo, Bio, crossed by Coronado 586
—, identified with Colorado Chiquito 482
Vermejo, Hernando, companion of Coronado 585
—, see Vermizzo.
Vermizzo, Hernando, companion of Coronado 556
—, with Coronado at Cibola 388
Vetancurt, A. de, on date of Padilla's martyrdom 401
Vigliega, horse of, killed at Cibola 557
Villalobos, R. G. de, voyage of, across Pacific 412, 526, 539
—, expedition, reports of, to Council for the Indies 370, 371, 373
Villagra, G., on marriage of pueblo Indians 520
Vimont, B., record of Nicollet's journey by 15
Virgins among the Tabus 514
—, treatment of, among pueblo Indians 522, 523
Vocabulary of the Menomini 294, 328
—, of the Menomini, reference to liv
Wâbeno, shamans of the Menomini 62, 66, 151, 157
Wâbeno Mitamu, genealogy of 60
Wabosso in Menomini myth 207
Wacaquon, Menomini treaty commissioner 21
Wakashan bibliography, work Oil xliii
Valapai, stone implements of the 256, 283
Walnuts, wild, found by Coronado 507
Wampum exchanged for prisoners 17
Wapa ka river, Menomini name of 199
War of 1812, Indians in 19
—, revolutionary, Indians in 18
Warbano,Menomini treaty commissioner 21
Wabren, W. W., on Ojibwa ceremonial terms 61
Warriors, proportion of, to population 33
Wash, R., Menomini treaty commissioner 21
Water, worship of, by pueblo indians 561
Watercress, native American 617
Water demons in Menomini myth 227, 234
Watermelons, introduction of, into pueblo county 550
Wau-kaun-hoa-noa-nick, Menomini treaty signer 28
Waunk-tshay-hre-sootsh, Menomini treaty signer 28
Wauwaunishkau, Ojibwa treaty signer 28
Wayishkee, Ojibwa treaty, signer 28
Weapons, indian 498
—, lack of, in New Spain 540
—, mystic power of 225
—, of the Menomini 274
—, of pueblo Indians 404, 548, 563
Weaving, see Bead-working, Mats.
Weekay, Menomini treaty commissioner 21
Well dug by besieged Indians 499
Wheank-kaw, Menomini treaty signer 28
Whiskers, name given to Cicuye Indian 490, 497
—, taken prisoner by Alvarado 493
—, release of 503
White Mountain Apache reservation traversed by Niza 359
—, crossed by Coronado 387
Whittlesey, Charles, on Menomini characteristics 34
Wichita language, study of the xl
Wichita, Kansas, location of Quivira near 397
Wicker baskets among pueblo indians 562