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He read the scroll—"My tablets, Juan, hark—
"Where is Gonsalvo?"
"In the anchored bark."
"There let him stay—to him this order bear.
"Back to your duty—for my course prepare:
"Myself this enterprise to-night will share."

"To-night, Lord Conrad?"
"Aye! at set of sun:160
"The breeze will freshen when the day is done.
"My corslet—cloak—one hour—and we are gone.
"Sling on thy bugle—see that free from rust,
"My carbine-lock springs worthy of my trust;
"Be the edge sharpen'd of my boarding-brand,
"And give it's guard more room to fit my hand.
"This let the Armourer with speed dispose;
"Last time—it more fatigued my arm than foes:
"Mark that the signal-gun be duly fired,
"To tell us when the hour of stay's expired."170