Page:The Cottagers of Glenburnie - Hamilton (1808).djvu/112

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know, poor fellows, they never get leave to go to bed till morning, and it cannot be expected that they should sit and mope alone; but then when they carouse together, they entice the maids to meet them, by giving them balls, and treats, and such like, of which no good can come, nor, to be sure, would any woman, who regards her character, go to be seen at such places, though they were to be made, as Sally was, queen of the ball. For it seems she was greatly taken out, and had more lovers than any of them among the footmen. Mrs Dickens did not go to meet lovers, but to get drink; and when she staid at home, Sally brought her enough to please her; but she never ventured on a great dose till near bed-time, when she was pretty sure of being safe. One night indeed, my lady came up to the nursery, when she was conscious of being in no condition to speak to her, and what do you think the wicked woman did? It makes one's hair stand on end to think of