Page:The Cottagers of Glenburnie - Hamilton (1808).djvu/167

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water? don't you see how small a drain would from that carry it down to the river, instead of remaining here to stagnate, and to suffocate you with intolerable stench?"

"O, we're just used to it," said Mrs MacClarty, "and we never mind it. We cou'dna be fash'd to gang sae far wi' a' the slaistery."

"But what," returned Mr Stewart, "will Mrs Mason think of all this dirt? She has been used to see things in a very different sort of order; and if you will be advised by her, she will put you upon such a method of doing every thing about your house, as will soon give it a very different appearance."

"Ay," said Mrs MacClarty, "I ay feared she would be owre nice for us. She has been sae lang amang the Englishes, that she mann hae a hantel o' outlandish notions. But we are owre auld to learn, and we just do weel eneugh."

Mr Stewart shook his head; and fol-