Page:The Count of Monte-Cristo (1887 Volume 1).djvu/63

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THE next day was a beautiful one. The morning sun rose clear and esplendent, and his first rays of red and purple studded with their rubies the foamy crest of the waves.

The plenteous feast had been prepared on the first floor of La Réserve, with whose arbor the reader is already familiar. The apartment destined for the purpose was spacious, and lighted by five or six windows, over each of which was written in golden letters—explain the phenomenon if you can—the name of one of the principal cities of France; beneath these windows a wooden balcony extended the entire length of the house.

And although the entertainment was fixed for twelve o'clock at noon, an hour previous to that time the balcony was filled with impatient and expectant guests, consisting of the favored part of the crew of the Pharaon, and some soldier friends of Dantès, the whole of whom had arrayed themselves in their choicest costumes, in order to do greater honor to the day.

Various rumors were afloat among the guests to the effect that the owners of the Pharaon had promised to attend the nuptial feast of its mate, but all seemed unanimous in doubting that an act of such rare and exceeding condescension could possibly be intended.

Danglars, however, who now made his appearance, accompanied by Caderousse, effectually confirmed the report, stating that he had recently conversed with M. Morrel, who had himself assured him he intended joining the festive party at La Réserve.

A moment afterward an enthusiastic burst of applause from the crew of the Pharaon announced the presence of M. Morrel. The visit of the shipowner was to them as a sure indication that the man whose wedding-feast he thus delighted to honor would ere long be first in com-