Page:The Count of Monte-Cristo (1887 Volume 2).djvu/329

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"It only remains for me to know whether I also suit you?"

"Oh, M. le Comte!" exclaimed Baptistin, eagerly.

"Listen, if you please, till I have finished speaking," replied Monte-Cristo. "You receive fifteen hundred francs per annum for your services here—more than many a brave subaltern, who continually risks his life for his country, obtains. You live in a manner far superior to many clerks and placemen who work ten times harder than you do. Then, though yourself a servant, you have other servants to wait upon you, take care of your clothes and linen. Again, you make a profit upon each article you purchase for my toilet, amounting in the course of a year to a sum equaling your wages."

"Nay, indeed, your excellency."

"I'm not complaining about it, M. Baptistin. It's only reasonable, but let it stop here. You will never find so lucrative a post as that you have now the good fortune to fill. I neither ill-use nor ill-treat my servants by word or action. An error I readily forgive, but a willful negligence or forgetfulness never. My commands are usually short, clear, and precise; and I would rather be obliged to repeat my words twice, or even three times, than they should be misunderstood. I am rich enough to know what ever I desire to know, and I can promise you I am not wanting in curiosity. If, then, I should learn that you had taken upon yourself to speak of me to any one, favorably or unfavorably, to comment on my actions or watch my conduct, that very instant you would quit my service. You may now retire. I never caution my servants a second time. You are cautioned, go!"

Again Baptistin bowed reverentially, and was proceeding toward the door, when the count made him stay.

"I forgot to mention to you," said he, "I lay yearly aside a certain sum for each servant in my establishment; those whom I am compelled to dismiss lose (as a matter of course) all participation in this money, while their portion goes to those who remain with me, and among whom it will be divided at my death. You have been in my service a year, your fortune has commenced do not prevent its full accomplishment by your own folly."

This address, delivered in the presence of Ali, who, not understanding one word of the language in which it was spoken, stood wholly unmoved, produced an effect on Baptistin only to be conceived by such as have occasion to study the character and disposition of French domestics.

"I assure your excellency," said he, "at least it shall be my study to merit your approbation in all things, and I will take M. Ali as my model."