Page:The Count of Monte-Cristo (1887 Volume 2).djvu/339

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"Ah! indeed!" said Danglars; "and where was that!"

"At the house of M. de Morcerf."

"Oh! what! you are acquainted with the young viscount, are you?"

"We were together a good deal during the Carnival at Rome."

"True, true!" cried Danglars. "Let me see: have I not heard talk of some strange adventure with bandits hid in ruins, and of his having had a miraculous escape? I know he used to amuse my wife and daughter by telling them about it after his return from Italy."

"Madame la Baronne is waiting to receive you, gentlemen," said the servant who had gone to inquire the pleasure of his mistress.

"With your permission," said Danglars, bowing, "I will precede you, to show you the way."

"By all means," replied Monte-Cristo; "I follow you."