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"You will promise not to betray me?"

"Rest assured of that; you well know that our interests are the same."

"Then read for yourself." And the major gave a letter into the young man's hand.

Andrea read in a low voice:

"'You are poor; a miserable old age awaits you. Would you like to become rich, or at least independent? Set out immediately for Paris, and demand of the Count of Monte-Cristo, Avenue des Champs Elysées, No. 30, the son whom you had by the Marquise Corsinari, and who was taken from you at five years of age. This son is named Andrea Cavulcanti. In order that you may not doubt the kind intention the writer of this letter, you will find inclosed an order for two thousand four hundred francs, payable in Florence, at the house of M. Gozzi; also, a letter of introduction to M. le Comte de Monte-Cristo, on whom I give you a draft of forty-eight thousand francs. Remember to go to the count on the 26th of May at seven o'clock in the evening.

'Abbé Busoni.'"

"It is the same."

"What do you mean?" said the major.

"I was going to say that I received a letter almost to the same effect."



"From the Abbé Busoni?"


"From whom, then?"

"From an Englishman called Lord Wilmore, who takes the name of Sindbad the Sailor."

"And of whom you have no more knowledge than I of the Abbé Busoni?"

"You are mistaken; there I am in advance of you."

"You have seen him, then?"

"Yes, once."


"Ah! that is just what I cannot tell you; if I did, I should make you as wise as myself, which it is not my intention to do."

"And what did the letter contain?"

"Read it."

"You are poor, and your future prospects are dark and gloomy. Do you wish for a name? should you like to be rich, and your own master?'"

"Ma foi!" said the young man; was it possible there could be twoanswers to such a question?"

"'Take the post-chaise which you will find waiting at the Porte de Gênes, as you leave Nice; pass through Turin, Chambéry, and Pont-de-Beauvoisin. Go to the Count of Monte-Cristo,