Page:The Count of Monte-Cristo (1887 Volume 3).djvu/164

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which could not with propriety be carried on in the presence of either; Madame de Villefort and I have a communication to make to you."

Noirtier's face remained perfectly passive during this long pre amble; whilst, on the contrary, the eye of Villefort was endeavoring to penetrate into the inmost recesses of the old man's heart.

"This communication," continued the procureur du roi, in that cold and decisive tone which seemed at once to preclude all discussion, "will, we are sure, meet with your approbation."

The eye of the invalid still remained dull; he listened, nothing more.

"Sir," resumed Villefort, "we are thinking of marrying Valentine." Had the old man's face been molded in wax, it could not have shown less emotion at this news. "The marriage will take place in less than three months," said Villefort.

Noirtier's eye still retained its inanimate expression. Madame de Villefort now took her part in the conversation, and added:

"We thought this news would possess an interest for you, sir, who have always entertained a great affection for Valentine; it therefore only now remains for us to tell you the name of the young man for whom she is destined. It is one of the most desirable connections which could possibly be formed; he possesses fortune, a high rank in society, and every personal qualification likely to render Valentine supremely happy; his name, however, cannot be wholly unknown to you. The person to whom we allude is M. Franz de Quesnel, Baron d'Epinay."

During the time that his wife was speaking, Villefort had narrowly watched the countenance of the old man. When Madame de Villefort had pronounced the name of Franz, the pupil of Noirtier's eye began to dilate, and his eyelids trembled with the same movement as may be perceived on the lips of an individual about to speak, and darted a lightning glance. The procureur du roi, who knew the political hatred which had formerly existed between Noirtier and the elder d'Epinay, well understood the agitation and anger; but, feigning not to perceive either, he immediately resumed the conversation commenced by his wife.

"Sir," said he, "you are aware that Valentine is about to enter her nineteenth year, which renders it important that she should lose no time in forming a suitable connection. Nevertheless, you have not been forgotten in our plans, and we have fully ascertained beforehand that Valentine's future husband will consent, not to live in this house, for that might not be pleasant for the young people, but that you should