Page:The Count of Monte-Cristo (1887 Volume 3).djvu/249

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THE day following this scene, at the hour when Debray usually chose to pay a visit to Madame Danglars, on his way to his office, his coupé did not appear in the court. At this time, that is, about half-past twelve, Madame Danglars ordered her carriage, and went out. Danglars, placed behind a curtain, watched the departure he had been waiting for. He gave orders that he should be informed directly Madame Danglars re-appeared; but at two o’clock she had not returned. He then called for his horses, drove to the Chamber, and inscribed his name to speak against the budget. From twelve to two o’clock Danglars had remained in his study, unsealing his dispatches, and becoming more and more sad every minute, heaping figure upon figure, and receiving, among other visits, one from Major Cavalcanti, who, as stiff and as exact as ever, presented himself precisely at the hour named the night before, to terminate his business with the banker.

On leaving the Chamber, Danglars, who had shown violent marks of agitation during the sitting, and been more bitter than ever against the ministry, reëntered his carriage, and told the coachman to drive to the Avenue des Champs Elysées, No. 30.

Monte-Cristo was at home; only he was engaged with some one, and begged Danglars to wait for a moment in the drawing-room. While the banker was waiting, the door opened, and a man dressed as an abbé entered, who, doubtless more familiar with the house than he was, instead of waiting, merely bowed, and, passing on to the further apartments, disappeared.

A minute after, the door by which the priest had entered re-opened, and Monte-Cristo appeared.