Page:The Count of Monte-Cristo (1887 Volume 3).djvu/304

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"Bravo, viscount!" said Monte-Cristo, smiling; "you are a delightful cicerone. And now you will do me a favor, will you not?"

"What is it?"

"Do not introduce me to any of these gentlemen; and should they wish it, you will warn me." Just then the count felt his arm pressed. He turned round; it was Danglars.

"Ah! is it you, baron?" said he.

"Why do you call me baron?" said Danglars; "you know that I care nothing for my title. I am not like you, viscount; you like your title, do you not?"

"Certainly," said Albert, "seeing that without my title I should be nothing; while you, sacrificing the baron, would still remain the millionaire."

"Which seems to me the finest title under the royalty of July," replied Danglars.

"Unfortunately," said Monte-Cristo, "one's title to a millionaire does not last for life, like that of baron, peer of France, or academician; for example, the millionaires Frank and Poulmann, of Frankfort, who have just become bankrupts."

"Indeed!" said Danglars, becoming pale.

"Yes; I received the news this evening by a courier. I had about a million in their hands, but, warned in time, I withdrew it a month ago."

"By heavens!" exclaimed Danglars, "they have drawn on me for two hundred thousand francs!"

"Well, I've warned you; their signature is worth five per cent."

"Yes, but it is too late," said Danglars, "I have honored their bills."

"Good," said Monte-Cristo, "here are two hundred thousand francs gone after——"

"Hush! do not mention these things," said Danglars; then, approaching Monte-Cristo, he added, "especially before young M. Cavalcanti." After which he smiled, and turned toward the young man in question.

Albert had left the count to speak to his mother, Danglars to converse with young Cavalcanti; Monte-Cristo was for an instant alone. Meanwhile the heat became excessive. The footmen were hastening through the rooms with waiters loaded with ices. Monte-Cristo wiped the perspiration from his forehead, but drew back when the waiter was presented to him; he took no refreshment. Madame de Morcerf lost not sight of Monte-Cristo; she saw that he took nothing, and even noticed the movement with which he withdrew from it.

"Albert," she asked, "did you notice that?"