Page:The Cowlitz Farm Journal, 1847-51.djvu/4

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Cowlitz Farm Buildings

Put up in 1838, "the principal building, the dwelling of the agent" was "of hewed logs framed in the French style, clap-boarded on the outside, and lined and papered on the inside; the windows were from the Old Post at Fort George … … it was something like 50×30 feet, with an L one story high; the main building was two stories high. There were three or four other small dwellings, for different classes of servants … a very large granary 40×100 feet, three stories high…framed of large hewed timber and boarded on the outside…" There were stables,sheds for hogs and sheep, in all "some ten or twelve barns and sheds…a large gang sawmill…" (v. 2, P.S.A. Co. Ev., 27–28, 71, 75).


Valuation of Buildings, Land &c at the Puget Sound Company's Establishment at the Cowelitz:

1 Dwelling House 50 × 30 ft ....... ? 450. 1 Saw Mill & improvements attached, incomplete .............. . 120. 1 Store 100 × 40 ft ....... 1,000. 1 do. 4o × 30 ft ....... 280. 1 do. 40 × 30 ft ....... 280. 1 Granary 25 × 20 ft ....... 125 . 1 do.30 × 20ft.......15O. £ 2,405.


I Close Barn 8o x 25 ft ....... ? I6o. IBarnNo.I105x30ft..157.I0. Ido.2I05x20ft..05. Ido3Io5x20ft..I05. Ido4I05X20ft..105. Ido5IO5X20ft..05. Ido6I05x20ft..05. Ido7I05x20ft..los. Ido8I05x20ft..05. Ido9IO5X20ft..05. IdoI0I05x20ft..05. IdoII105X20ft..I05. Ido12Io5X20ft..I05. IdoI3IO5X20ft..05. 2 Piggeries ...... .. 2 Stables ...... 140 . 6 Men's Houses ...... I20. ? I,8I2.I0 . II8I8yds.fencing72000railssd @ pr. m. 67/6 243 I432 2 Acres of Land under cultivation @ I 00/- . .. £ 7,162.10. £ 7,405.10. £ 11,623.

(From inventory of Hudson's Bay and PSA Company properties south of the 49th parallel made in the winter of 1846–47 by Ogden and Douglas at Simpson's request. See Elliott, "British Values in Oregon, 1847," OHQ, XXXII:36.)