Page:The Crimes of the Stalin Era (Khrushchev, tr. Nicolaevsky).djvu/32

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of the Sverdlov Oblast Party Committee and member of the Central Committee, All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), Kabakov[1], who had been a party member since 1914. The investigative materials of that time show that in almost all krais, oblasts [provinces] and republics there supposedly existed "rightist Trotskyite, espionage-terror and diversionary-sabotage organizations and centers" and that the heads of such organizations as a rule—for no known reason—were first secretaries of oblast or republic Communist party committees or central committees.

Many thousands of honest and innocent Communists have died as a result of this monstrous falsification of such "cases," as a result of the fact that all kinds of slanderous "confessions" were accepted, and as a result of the practice of forcing accusations against oneself and others. In the same manner were fabricated the "cases" against eminent party and state workers—Kossior[2], Chubar[3], Postyshev, Kosarev[4] and others.

In those years repressions on a mass scale were applied which were based on nothing tangible and which resulted in heavy cadre losses to the party.

The vicious practice was condoned of having the NKVD prepare lists of persons whose cases were under the jurisdiction of the Military Collegium and whose sentences were prepared in advance. Yezhov would send these lists to Stalin personally for his approval of the proposed punishment. In 1937–1938, 383 such lists containing the names of many thousands of party, Soviet, Komsomol, Army and economic workers were sent to Stalin. He approved these lists.

A large part of these cases are being reviewed now and a great part of them are being voided because they were baseless and falsified. Suffice it to say that from 1954 to the present time the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court has rehabilitated 7,679 persons, many of whom were rehabilitated posthumously.

  1. Ivan D. Kabakov (1891–1938), a worker, Bolshevik since 1914, Secretary of the Ural Provincial Committee, and member of the Central Committee since 1925. He was arrested in 1937.
  2. Stanislav V. Kossior (1889–1938), the son of a worker from the Donbas, a Bolshevik since 1907, member of the Central Committee since 1924, member of the Politburo, and General Secretary of the Ukrainian Communist party. He was arrested in 1938.
  3. Vlas Y. Chubar (1891–1938), a worker and son of a peasant, Bolshevik since 1907, and Chairman of the Ukrainian Council of People's Commissars from 1923 to 1932. He was removed for refusing to collect grain from the Ukrainian peasants in 1932 according to norms set by Stalin, since he felt that the result would be famine. Later Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and a candidate member of the Politburo, he was arrested in 1938.
  4. Alexander V, Kosarev (1903–?), a Bolshevik since 1919, member of the Central Committee since 1934, and Secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. In 1938, he was sent to a concentration camp, where he perished.