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carry his prey to the den of this new companion.

When he dropped the grouse before the girl the light in her eyes and thrill of love in her voice repaid him a thousand times.

“Why, Flash! You old darling, you’re trying to feed me, aren’t you?” she cried. “You’re the smartest dog that ever lived. I envy that Moran. I think I’ll steal you, Flash.”

That night Flash once more scratched to get out. Soon after she heard the dreadful cry of two nights before. She did not know that Flash had pulled down a small yearling elk, and that this was his joyful call for her to come and join him at the kill; for now, having killed food for her, his call was meant for her instead of the departed Silver.

Someway he knew that the girl would not come and after eating his fill he sliced deeply into a hind quarter to tear it off. When he had cut nearly to the bone he seized the foot and wrenched the leg over the back at right angles, throwing the hip socket out of joint.

He worked tirelessly, alternately cutting at the ligaments with his teeth, and wrenching on the foot with all his strength until it was severed from the rest.