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trail for almost a mile before he found her stealing cautiously along the game trail.

She believed Flash was dead. She knew he had fought desperately to give her time. He had not come back to her after the shots. It was a stunning shock when, without a sound to warn her, a cold nose was thrust suddenly against her hand. The eager whine which followed told her it was Flash, alive and safe. She dropped to her knees and threw her arms about him, whispering her gratitude in broken sobs.

She started ahead once more, urged on by the thought that they still followed her. Flash turned from the trail, and whined for her to come and she felt her way through the down timber of the slope and entered the cabin.

As she closed the door behind her the rain began to fall, blotting out whatever trail she might have left. She jay on the bunk, straining to hear any sound of pursuit. She heard nothing but the rain and near morning she slept from sheer exhaustion.

When she opened her eyes it was light. Flash seemed calm and peaceful and she knew from this that the men could not be near. He scratched at the door and she let him out.