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er’s way led nearer to the cabin and so coincided with his wish to return to it—and he chose that way.

If Flash had overtaken him it is possible that, from associating him with Brent, he might have torn him down without added incentive. However, he did not overtake him, for the man he followed had reached the end of his trail.

Flash reached the game trail which crossed the saddle in the ridge and dipped down the canyon. The man had followed it. Flash increased his speed. When he reached the last break in the rims the man’s tracks still led down toward the cabin,

A sound reached Flash, a far faint sound too muffled and indistinct to have reached the ears of man, but which told him many things. He could not catch the words but he knew the voice. It was Her voice and the vibrations were those of deadly fear; for the first time in his life Flash answered a human voice with the lobo howl.