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Kinney and Moran sat on the edge of the rims above the cabin and Flash sprawled near them. He eyed Kinney suspiciously each time he spoke or shifted his position. Ever since finding the girl Flash’s out-look on life had been gradually swinging back to the one he had held before Moran had left him at the Bar T ranch. Since Moran’s arrival at the cabin the change had been even more pronounced. Flash himself was unconscious of this change, it being the very natural consequence of his renewed association with man; but it was noticeable to Maran. His attitude toward men was now more that of dog than wolf. He did not fear Kinney but he resented his presence here, his intrusion into the life that had been so full and complete for Flash before he came. The one joy Kinney’s arrival had brought to him was that he brought Moran’s horses with him.

These old favorites had thrilled Flash with all the old pride and responsibility of the days long