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hills,” the wrangler commented. “He’s on their trail all right. We came in that way and they’re taking their back track out. Someone will have to ride herd on those willow tails every living second or they’ll leave us all afoot.”

Twenty minutes later Moran pointed. The horses fled from the timber and swept straight down the meadow, well bunched and running smoothly. It was a picture which appealed to these men as no other could have done. Each laggard was heeled in turn and each one laid his ears and lashed out with vicious heels as he felt the teeth. As he brought them abreast of the camp Flash veered widely to the right and forged ahead, then inclined toward the leaders and forced them to the left. He held this point of vantage and wheeled them in a circle; then a smaller circle and a smaller until they milled in one spot and at last stood while he sped round them, driving back any bunch quitter who made a break to leave.

The men watched this exhibition and their faces expressed unqualified approval. The alleged Vermonter turned to Moran.

“I’ve got your number,” he said. “You’re Clark Moran. I never laid eyes on that dog be-