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him. Men who were apparently friends one moment sometimes fought the next. Moran had fought with Brent. Flash had seen many sudden quarrels spring up at the Bar T ranch. Even when these disputes had not culminated in a physical clash the voices had frequently been hoarse with anger—much as dogs are prone to snarl even if there is no resulting fight. Not that Flash retained any precise recollection of every such event but their cumulative effect had implanted the knowledge that even friends disagreed among themselves.

Moran showed no anger and this puzzled Flash. In spite of that the longer they followed the trail the more Flash’s distrust of the other man deepened. At last he caught the body scent and snarled. They found Vermont seated in the center of an open park and Flash bristled fiercely. Vermont hailed them joyously and Moran answered him in kind. There seemed to be no hostility between these two; but Flash’s doubt still persisted and he walked stiffly as they approached and never once took his eyes from the man they had tracked until Moran sat down a few feet away and rolled a cigarette. Then Flash relaxed and his indifference to Vermont returned.