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the tracks of Brent’s string, left during his many visits to this spot with a pack train loaded with supplies.

Flash’s actions suddenly changed. As they neared the mouth of a canyon which opened from their left the wind brought him the scent of the men themselves. They were still far away but the air was heavily laden with their conglomerate odor. He shrank from entering this place in the light of day. But Moran proceeded no farther. He had found what he sought—all. that he could find in this way. He knew that Flash had caught the body scent. The men were there. It would be suicidal for the two of them to enter that gloomy canyon alone. In addition, their closer approach might serve to warn the men they hunted.

The entrance to the canyon was narrow, scarcely fifty yards across, and the mouth of it was flanked by towering cliffs. The broad trail turned into it while only a dim path followed on up the bottoms of the main creek. Just outside the canyon mouth was an opening which would have been the usual grassy park except that each succeeding spring the floods from melting drifts turned the