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days he had run wild up here he had often come to this point, the one place from which he could see the secret camp. Moran saw the hair fluff up along his neck. His ears were tipped sharply forward.

“Flash sees them!” said Moran.

The four men lay prone and crawled up to Flash from behind. Kinney cautiously pushed two stones near the edge and looked through the crack between. The others followed his example and after the first glance no one of them had a single doubt as to the whereabouts of the long rumored Hole.

The far wall of the canyon rose sheer and straight for half its height. From that point to the top a crescent shaped depression was nicked out of it. The floor of this dent was almost flat, forming a bench of several acres in extent. It was covered with a dense growth of spruce. The encircling walls which rose above it were as glassy smooth as the rims which fell away from its lower edge.

It seemed that there could be no possible way of entering this pocket in the cliff but the hill trained eyes of the four men detected the trail at once. A faint streak angled across the face of